International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
entire array of photodiodes and then transferred to the adjacent
cells within the columns to enable charge transfer. Next, the
charge is read out: each row of data is moved to a separate
horizontal charge transfer register. Charge packets for each row
are read serially and sensed by a charge-to-voltage conversion
and amplifier section (Figure 6). This architecture produces a
low-noise, high-performance imager. Nevertheless, CCD
operation requires the application of several clock signals,
clock levels and bias voltages, thereby complicating system
integration and increasing power consumption, overall system
size, and cost (Fossum, 1993).
3.2 Introduction of CMOS technology
Over the past five years, there has been a growing interest in
CMOS image sensors. Such imagers can be made with standard
silicon processes in high-volume foundries. Peripheral
electronics, i.e. digital logic, clock drivers, or analog-to-digital
converters, are readily integrated with the same fabrication
process. To achieve these benefits, the CMOS sensor’s
architecture is arranged more like a memory cell or flat-panel
display (Figure 7). Each photosite contains a photodiode that
converts light to electrons, a charge-to-voltage conversion
section, a reset and select transistor and an amplifier section.
Overlaying the entire sensor is a grid of metal interconnects to
apply timing and readout signals, and an array of column output
signal interconnects. The column lines connect to a set of
decode and readout (multiplexing) electronics that are arranged
by column outside of the pixel array (Mendis et al., 1994). This
architecture allows the signals from the entire array, from
subsections, or even from a single pixel to be read by a simple
X-Y addressing technique.
Photodiodes Q-V Conversion
and Output Amplifier
Output Lines
Row Signal Lin
je ode and Readout fH.
Output Buffer
Figure 7. CMOS structure
3.3 Power consumption
Whereas CCD cameras require numerous chips for the sensor,
drivers and signal conditioning, CMOS technology allows the
manufacture of imaging devices that can be monolithically
integrated as mentioned earlier. The reduced number of parts
required has a positive impact on the power consumption while
decreasing system size and complexity (Cho et al., 2001).
3.4 Quantum efficiency and Fill factor
The quantum efficiency (QE) is a measure of the ratio of
collected electrons to incident photons. This value is
determined by the spectral response of the base material silicon,
with varying thickness and doping levels used for the different
layers. QE as high as 90% in the visible range has been
achieved with back illuminated CCD as well as with CMOS
imagers. The fill factor, defined as the ratio of light-sensitive
area to the total pixel size, determines the maximum achievable
sensitivity. Its value is close to 100% with CCDs whereas it
drops to about 30% for most CMOS sensors (Blanc, 2001).
3.5 Noise and dark current
Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN) and random temporal noise
eventually limit the performance of image sensors. FPN is time-
dependent and arises from component mismatch due to process
variations. Calibration or appropriate electronics can cancel
FPN as shown in Figures 8 and 9.
Figure 8. CMOS frame without FPN correction
Figure 9. CMOS frame with FPN correction
The temporal noise includes:
e dark current shot noise, induced by thermally
generated charge carriers.
e electronic noise including 1/f noise, thermal noise and
reset noise.
CCD image quality is generally superior to that of CMOS due
to the use of quiet sensors and of common output amplifiers
with larger geometries that adapt better to larger noise.
Standard CMOS image sensors suffer from high dark currents,
often limiting their use in short exposure times. However, this
drawback is casily manageable in the context of mobile
mapping (El Gamal, 2003).
3.6 Bandwidth and saturation
CCDs rely on a process that can leak charge to adjacent pixels
when the CCD register overflows. Thus, bright light blooms
cause unwanted streaks on the image. CMOS architecture is
inherently less sensitive to this effect. Moreover, smear that is
caused by charge transfer in the CCD under illumination is non-
existent with CMOS.
The Ethercam CMOS camera is a complete vision system that
combines the functions of image acquisition. and digital
processing in a compact form (Figure 10). Interpreted results or
raw images can be transmitted remotely to host computers
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