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International Archives of the Photogrammetry,
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
rr TT : GSI Broker EIER
System metadata & . (interworkflow tools) System metadata & |
geo-processing & data geo-processing & data |
definitions Workflow N definitions 1
Definition Tool % R^ 7 7
een Admin & i : | E
WEMS [777 o ed | WF Services / | -
| wes | = | Control Tool | Catalogue | / 2 WEMS
8 : , S
à Workflow Vi 9
= Rule Engine | ff i
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Gatewa :
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7 Ned
System metadata: | System metadata:
process definitions applications geo-process & data
Figure 4. GSI broker conceptual architecture for the Virtual Land Agency
A client/server architecture that supports the GSI virtual
enterprise has been defined, with special attention to the GSI
broker, which will provide the services and functions required
to link the clients and the enterprises data and processes. The
client can be an individual looking for data as in the case of
traditional GDI concept or it can be a geo-information
production organisation looking for partners to extend its
production. The second client is the focus of the broker
services. The GSI broker supports scarching for services,
definition, control and execution of workflows from different
enterprises to supply a demand by using an inter-workflow
management system.
The Inter-workflow management system is an appropriate tool
to create and manage virtual enterprises supporting the design,
integration, operation and control of processes which are
provided as services by multiple enterprises.
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