Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
triggers ice models or classification tasks, performs automatic 
geo-location, performs image compression, enhancements, 
imagery and model outputs and stores everything in a central 
data repository. Load balancing, distributed databases and 
parallel computing are used to meet daily processing 
requirements and for meeting strict production and delivery 
2.2 CIS Archive Subsystem 
The CIS Archive Subsystem is composed of a relational 
database management system (RDBMS) and a database based 
upon the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata 
(CSDGM) as defined by the US Federal Geographic Data 
Committee (FGDC). The repository ensures the metadata 
access to the records is controlled and constraints are strictly 
enforced. The repository is comprised of a catalogue which is 
streamlined for a daily production environment and long range 
catalogue for archiving and trend analysis. More detailed 
discussion about the CIS 
2.3 Ice Analysis Subsystem 
The Ice Analysis Subsystem is the high-end ISIS workstations 
that provide access to all data referenced by the Metadata 
repository. Custom tools are developed for sorting, displaying, 
and analyzing of data in order to generate electronic and 
hardcopy products such as navigation charts and bulletins. 
Analysts can enhance imagery and then annotate with text and 
line objects to reveal ice characteristics and iceberg targets. 
This client/server subsystem is based on high availability 
UNIX servers and Windows 2000 clients and makes extensive 
use of ERDAS Imagine, ArcGIS and ArcView3 software. 
There are three primary components of this subsystem; 
e Geospatial Metadata Browser is a visual directory of the 
real-time data repository. A user can view metadata 
associated with a data object in a tabular format and/or 
graphical format showing the coverage 'footprint. A 
variety of temporal and spatial data filters are available for 
data discovery and drilling. With geospatial metadata the 
footprint of the data can be superimposed on a globe 
which allows the user to see the geographic context of the 
e Image Analysis component provides the user with 
multiple image display, analysis using ESRI shared 
libraries, mosaics and generation of annotated image 
e Data Integration and Product Generation component 
integrates GIS data from various sources including model 
prognosis, previous or archived analyses, and analyses 
from partners and observations from ships, aircraft and 
remote operation offices. Topology and product 
generation as defined by World Meteorological 
Organization (WMO) standards and business rules are 
integral within this component. 
2.4 Berg Analysis and Prediction Subsystem 
The Berg Analysis and Prediction Subsystem is comprised of 
four software components; Geospatial Meta Browser, Image 
Analysis and Iceberg Product Generation. The Browser and 
Image Analysis are identical to the Ice Analysis Subsystem. 
e Target Detection and Manual Editing Tools: The Target 
Detection is running on server as a Data Acquisition 
component. The target detection algorithm takes a 
RADAR image, detects the possible iceberg targets, and 
generates an iceberg message and graphics (a set of 
shapefiles). The manual editing tools are used to edit and 
valid the detected iceberg targets. 
eo Iceberg Product Generation provides capabilities for 
validating and correcting iceberg locations received from 
aircraft and ships, integrating recently reported icebergs 
with Most Recent Observation File (MROF), generating 
now cast and prognosis products based on model outputs 
and MROF. 
2.5 Product Dissemination Subsystem 
The Product Dissemination Subsystem receives products 
generated by Ice Analysis Subsystem or from other systems, 
formats these products based on client profiles and then 
delivers via their preferred communication methods such as 
FTP, e-mail or Fax. A product database and client standing 
orders maintain all deliveries and provide tracking and 
performance details. The subsystem supports delivery in 
GeoTIFF, MrSid, JPEG2000, PDF, Encapsulated PostScript, 
JPEG, GIF, ESRI export files and ERDAS IMG, bundled 
Shapefiles or SIGRID-3 (A vector archive format for sea ice 
charts) [2003] formats. 
2.6 Field Decision Support Subsystem 
The Field Decision Support Subsystem is the low-end ICE-VU 
workstations that are deployed on Canadian Coast Guard 
(CCG) vessels, remote ice operation offices, on board 
reconnaissance aircraft, and at the IMSB. ICE-VU workstations 
were designed specifically as marine decision support 
applications and provide Coast Guard and Ice Service 
Specialists with the capability to receive real-time airborne 
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)/ Side Looking Airborne Radar 
(SLAR) data or to download compressed MrSID or JPEG 2000 
imagery and GIS products provided by the IMSB. ICE-VU is 
stand-alone system with a real time GPS data feed and has its 
own data acquisition, processing and catalogue functions to 
enable user to plan navigation routes and deviations. 
2.7 Climate Support Subsystem 
The Climate Support Subsystem provides access to operational 
analysis tools for meteorological and ice trend analysis and 
support for analysts producing long range forecasts and 
seasonal outlooks. This subsystem has direct access to long 
range archive repositories, based on CSDGM Metadata search 
criteria. It supports other tools for producing ice climate 
products and an annual ice atlas. 
2.8 Data Order Subsystem 
The Data Order Subsystem provides tools for planning aircraft 
flight paths, planning data transmissions during flights to ships 
and to TI 
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