Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
3.6 Metadata Catalogue Browser 
The method of accessing the CIS Archive Metadata Catalogue 
is a Geospatial Metadata Browser. At least two types of 
Browsers will be supported; an internal Browser based upon 
ArcGIS technology and a pubic Browser based on generic 
Internet technology. 
The internal Browser will be built as an application layer over 
ArcGIS technologies such as ArcMap with low level 
customizations provided by ArcObjects. The public Browser is 
light weight and user friendly application that runs within the 
client environment. The Browser is self-contained and does not 
require specialized hardware, extensive software resources or 
product licensing. 
The public Browser, coupled with a Z39.50 component, 
presents the user with a consistent view of the repository and 
provides the tools necessary for displaying and manipulating 
selected sets of records from the Metadata Catalogue. Filtering 
metadata by theme, by location, by time and by attributes is 
provided along with the standard display functions for 
changing the area of interest (Zoom-in, zoom-out, roam, etc.) 
At the same time, the Browser isolates the user from the 
implementation details of the repository and the data objects. 
As the name implies, the Browser does not update the 
Catalogue. This allows Browsers to be distributed freely 
without the overhead of client administration and 
security concerns. 
3.7 Online Mapping 
Two CIS archive servers will be configured for the archive. 
The first server, inside the CIS firewall, will be a secure master 
copy of the data. The archived data will be loaded on this 
server. The second server will contain a copy of the archive 
database (exported from the server inside the firewall and 
imported outside the firewall). It will provide access to both 
internal and external clients. 
Both servers will be implemented on the ISIS server platform. 
The data will be managed using ArcSDE (Spatial Data Engine) 
using Oracle 9i for the RDBMS storage and engine. All data 
objects will be stored as BLOBS (Binary Large Objects) within 
the RDBMS and will be physically located within database 
files on the SAN as shown in Figure 2 above. 
For the archive located outside the CIS firewall, ArcIMS 
(Internet Map Service) will enable users to access ArcSDE 
using a generic web browser. Users will also be able to access 
the data directly using a variety of packages including 
ArcCatalog, ArcGIS, ArcExplorer or even custom applications 
based upon MapObjects (MO) or Java Server Pages (JSP). 
Canadian Ice Service (CIS), 2002, Navigating Icy Waterways 
Using GIS, ARC North News, ERSI Canada. Vol>, No. 2. 
Koonar, A and Ou, Ziqiang 1999, Real Time and Near Real 
Time Tactical Support Using Ice Reconnaissance Aircraft 
Systems, Fourth International Airborne Remote Sensing 
Conference and Exhibition, June, Ottawa. 
Koonar, A, Scarlett, B and Ou, Ziqiang, 2004, A real-time geo- 
spatial Information System, An Integration of GIS technologies 
for Ice Forecasting, /SPRS Workshop on Spatial Analysis and 
Decision Making. 
February 2004, Hong Kong. 
Ou, Zigiang 
2002, Aut 
uk, Bob, 
in China, August 2002, pp. 36 
Koonar, A and Scarlett, B 2002, Integrated Spatial Information 
System, An integration of GIS technologies for ice hazard 
warnings, ESRI User Conference — 2002. 
International Ice Charting Working Group's Ad Hoc Format 
Team for the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank, S/GRID-3: A 
Vector Archive Format for Sea Ice Charts, 12 September 2003. 

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