Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
+prowgePositioh +prosideAititude pt | *prorideMation 
SD. Attitude | SD. Matin 
* mountiagTyoe SO. MountingTyge +welocity[0 1] : SD. Velocity 
« acceleration(Q.. 1] : SD Acceleration 
9 A 
| [ | 
SD MatrixAttitude SD AnoleAtitude 
ainxElementsl9]- & : 
+ mainixBlemente{9]: Real +rotaticnAnglel Angle 
4 totationAngle2 : Angle 
+pointPosifion| 5 1 
parameters include the timing for a measurement and the 
samples of individual scans. SD Process includes three 
subclasses, namely SD LinearScanProcess, 
SD PushbroomProcess, and SD. ImageProcess. 
SD SensorMocel 
+belongsToSensorModei — Y 
+defneProfieOiSensorModel le : 
| 4 rotationAngle3 . Angle 
| <arbitPosition +totationSequence : SD_RotationSequence 
| 5D FentPostion SD SateliteQrbitPosition 
| +origin 8M Point *epoch : DateTime 
[i +inclination. Angle At least one attribute of meanMotion, ls 
ightAscensionAscendinghNode : Angle period, and semimajutAxis rust be 
icity : Real present 
gumentOfPerigee : Angle Abe a 
+meanMotion(0..1] : Real 
{ +perodf0 1}: TM_Duration 
| + semimajorAzis[0 1] : Length 
* meanAnomaly(Q..1] Angle 
*pergeePassTimel. 1]: DateTime 
+bStarDrag{0 1]: Raal 
*resNumber|D..1] : integer 
77774 At least one attribute of meanAnemaly and, 
perigeePassTime must ba present 
Figure 4. UML class diagram of SD_LocationModel 
The standard defines two ways to provide the position of an 
object. The first way is to provide a position vector 
(SD PointPosition). In the case of satellites, an alternative way 
is to provide the orbital parameters as well as the date/time at 
which the satellite position is to be determined. In SD Attitude 
class, two subclasses are defined for providing the attitude 
information. The first one is SD. MatrixAttitude that defines the 
attitude of an object through a 3 by 3 rotation matrix. The 
second one is SD AngleAttitude that defines the attitude by the 
angles of roll, pitch, and yaw and the rotating sequence. The 
motion of an object (SD Motion) is defined by the velocity 
(SD Velocity) and the acceleration (SD Acceleration) vectors 
in the three-dimensional space. 
2.5 Sensor Constituents (Clause 10) 
This clause was called Sensor Models in WD-2. We have made 
significant changes in this clause since WD-2. Instead of 
defining individual sensor model for each senor type 
independently, we define a sensor model super-class and define 
individual sensor model as the profile of the super-class (Figure 
5) SD SensorModel consists of five component classes: 
SD LocationModel, SD SensorComponent, SD SensorType, 
SD Platform, and SD Process. 
SD LocationModel class was defined in Clause 9, which 
provides the spatial relationship among sensor components and 
between the sensor and the platform. The common classes used 
to construct individual sensor types have been grouped under 
SD SensorComponent class as the subclasses. This kind of 
arrangement has two benefits: 1) avoiding the repeating 
definition of common classes in individual sensor models; and 
2) allowing the construction of new sensor models by using the 
components to cover sensors whose models are not defined in 
the standard. SD SensorType defines the individual sensor 
models for each type of sensors defined in Clause 8 by using 
the classes defined in SD SensorComponent and its subclasses. 
SD Platform provides information about the platform that 
carries the sensor. Two types of platforms are defined as the 
subclasses of SD Platform: SD StationaryPlatform — and 
SD DynamicPlatform. The SD. LocationModel class is used in 
the SD Platform class to specify the platform position and 
attitude. SD Process provides the parameters required for 
describing the process by which a sensor provides data. The 
+prvideLocation | 1 spam {gy +process [0.1 
D <<Abstract>> <<Abstract>> | <<abstract>> <<Abstract>> 
2 SD. LocetionModel SO SensorType | SD Platform SD Process 
+iateTime[0 1] - DateTime eee) 4 platformidentifier . MD. identifier S 
+elerenceCRS : MD CR3 | +platformDescrition : CharacterString 
| +locatedlising : SD. LocationMcdel 
+hasCR3: MD CRS 
componente! (i.n 
SA SensorCcmponent 
+identiferft "| : MD. Idenliier 
*type : CharacterString 
+ description : CharacterString 
+hasCRS : MD_CRS 
*locatedUsingl1.."] : SD. LocationMode! 
Figure 5. UML class diagram of SD SensorModel 
2.6 Data Model (Clause 11) 
The data model specifies semantic definitions of a set of data 
objects and of the relationships among them [10]. In this ISO 
standard, the data model defines the minimum content 
requirement and the relationship among the components of the 
content for data products produced by the sensors defined in the 
sensor model section for making it possible to geolocate the 
data. Those definitions are at the conceptual level, and the 
standard doesn't define encoding methods for those data. 
The required minimum content for georeferenceable datasets 
defined in this standard includes the instrument readings and 
the geolocation information. Additional data objects include the 
radiometric and calibration information (as place holder). 
The instrument readings specify the source data that are 
generated by the sensor. The geolocation information contains 
necessary metadata for geolocating the instrument readings. 
The detailed requirement on geolocation information is defined 
in Clause 12. The radiometric and calibration information 
provides functions and parameters necessary for converting 
instrument readings to energy units or geographical/geophysical 
The standard also defines ways for describing the relationship 
between geolocation (and optional radiometric and calibration) 
information and the instrument readings. The description tells 
how to apply geometric and radiometric data to instrument 
readings. An example is the frequency or the density of the 
geometric information to the instrument readings. In addition. 
the standard also specifies the common data structure and 
organization used to host the imagery and gridded data. 
2.7 Geolocation Information (Clause 12) 
This clause defines the methods to provide geolocation 
information in georeferenceable datasets. The UML class 
diagram of SD. GeolocationInformation is shown in Figure 2. 
For any georeferenceable dataset, it must contain at least one of 
the three types of geolocation information, namely sensor 
model, functional fitting, and ground control points (GCPs). 
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