Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
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GM Polvgon : GM_ Triangle 
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Figure 1. UML class-diagram of ISO 19107 “Spatial schema” (Kresse, Fadaie, 2004) 
Photogrammetry and remote sensing have not been issues in 
the first generation of the ISO 19100 standards. The first 
standardization project dealing with the georeference of 
sensors and their imagery is the ISO 19130 “Sensor and data 
models for imagery and gridded data”. It defines the way in 
which gcoreferencing information for the orientation of 
photogrammetric images and remote sensing scenes is 
described and packaged (Di, Kresse, 2004). Presently the ISO 
19130 is in the CD stage. It is planned to complete it as an 
International Standard at the end of 2005. The ISO 19130 sets 
an abstract frame for the orientation of data while the 
SensorML will serve as the related implementation level 
(Botts, 2002). The data models of both standards, ISO 19130 
and SensorML, have been aligned before the ISO 19130 was 
forwarded to the CD stage. The SensorML still exists as a 
discussion paper within the OGC committees (see below). 
Two additional standards in this field are presently being 
developed, the ISO 19101-2 “Reference model - imagery“ 
and the ISO 19115-2 “Metadata - Part 2: Metadata for 
imagery and gridded data”. The work on the ISO 19101-2 
may be called reversely engineered because its development 
Started after the ISO 19130 had almost been completed. 
However, the ISO 19101-2 provides a good framework for 
the present and future ISO standards in the field of 
photogrammetry and remote sensing. The ISO 19115-2 
extends the existing ISO 19115. It provides information about 
the measuring equipment and the production process. The 
georeference standardized in the ISO 19130 is a subtopic of 
the ISO 19115-2. 
The two planned ISO/TC 211 projects for photogrammetry 
and remote sensing are "Rules for encoding of imagery" and 
“Calibration and validation of sensors". The first onc will set 
a frame for the formats used for the storage and for the 
exchange of imagery data. In view of the many existing de- 
facto standards the ISO does not attempt to replace those 
standards by an additional new and unknown one. Therefore 
the title is deliberately called “rules” for encoding, pointing at 
the fact that the standard only tends to harmonize the 
manifoldness of formats on a long-term basis. The other 
project "Calibration and validation of sensors" will 
standardize the procedures and attributes in this field. It will 
combine experiences in photogrammetric camera calibration, 
calibration of remote sensing sensors, and validation of 
remote sensing scenes. Preliminary work has been made in 
particular by the Joint Task Force of the ISPRS (Commission 
I) and the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and 
Validation (WGCV ). 

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