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Nedal Al-Hanbali?, Reem Al-Kharouf®, Mohd Bilal Alzoubi*
* Assistant Professor, Surveying and Geomatics Eng. Dept., Al-Balqa Applied University, P.O.Box: 143025, Amman
11844, Jordan, nhanbali@index.com.jo ; nhanbali@bau.edu.jo
® PhD. in Geography, GIS Section, Decision Support Dept., Planning, Ministry of Education, Amman, Jordan,
‘Assistant Professor, Computer Information Systems Department, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, mba@ju.edu.jo
Commission II, WG II/S — Design and Operation of Spatial Decision Support Systems
KEY WORDS: Spatial Information Sciences, Databases, GIS, Building, Integration, Decision Support System, Georeferencing,
Education, Planning
The objective of this work is to build a proper Geographic Information System (GIS) data-model that can be used for school
mapping planning, where all schools with attribute data would be available for problem solving and decision-making in Education.
Thus, the end product of the GIS will be part of an Educational Decision Support System that provides the user with a map of
specific region with focus on the schools locations and all related info to assist decision-makers in either expanding current school or
suggesting sites for new schools in Jordan, and also, for student and resources location/allocation.
The built GIS-Data-model is composed of the schools layer, large-scale streets, directorates, sub-districts and Governorate layers
with population data. IKONOS Geo imagery and more reliable small-scale vector data format are to be integrated with the current
GIS-data-model to build a detailed geospatial-database for school mapping planning purposes. However, there are several problems
associated with this mainly because of the different projection systems each dataset is based on and due to the scale problems.
This paper reviews the original GIS-data-model format, the used projection systems, the management of the geospatial database and
aspects of the project to collect data from ground and satellite semi-rectified image sources and combine the data sets together so
that a high level of tractability and integrity are offered. A status report of the existing uses of the model is given together with an
outlook of expected future uses as an Educational Decision Support System for planning purposes. The paper concludes with the
future trend to build an Internet Wep-mapping site to be available to fit various needs for GIS School Mapping applications, which
would be perfect for decentralizing the Decision Support System between Educational Directorates for data updates.
In developing courtiers, the need for GIS and Geo-Imagery is
even more as there are more urban planning problems, and in
many situations, almost no planning strategies. Thus, you need
1.1 General Instructions
The contribution of the rapid advancement and innovations in more resources and information to help visualise the
the applications of Geographical Information Systems and Geo complication of the problem for decision making analysis.
Imaging technology to planning and decision making is not However, a major complication is to build suitable geospatial
only a useful visual tool, but it constitutes an essential role in database that is. normally, not available at local municipalities,
the process. It acts as the infrastructure base for building on top or if available, would be at a very high price. Many efforts are
other information from various perspectives. Examples are done to build low-cost geospatial database from available paper
numerous on utilizing GIS for planning purposes, such as GIS tourist and topographic maps with the aid of Geo-imagery,
and multi-criteria analysis for land management (Joerin F. et. example of that is for determining ATM bank locations in
Al. 1998 and 2001), towards flexible GIS user interfaces for Amman city, Al-Hanbali 2003.
creative engineering (Golay F. et. All 2000), System integration
of GIS and rule-based expert system for urban mapping (choi The trend towards using GIS and school mapping to support
and Usery). Other work put even more focuses on the rote of decision making for Ministries of Education in the world is
using geospatial information as a base infrastructure to becoming very important for planning purposes and is in the
designing a GIS-based computer supported collaborative implementation stages in may leading countries of the world,
System for urban planning (Chen et. All 2004). It is in fact, the and also in the development countries, see Al-Hanbali 2003,
Current trend in modern organization towards flatter structures Makino and Watanabe 2003, Rice et. all. 2001). In fact,
and the involvement of many stakeholder groups in solving building geo-spatial database and using GIS is becoming a
decision problems based on what can be called spatial decision standard and/or a requirement for funding agencies to approve
Support systems (Jankowski et. All 1997). On the other hand loans/grants, such World Bank DFID and US Aid. For example
one has to decide on the role, limits and development of the workshop conducted for DFID (Rice et. All. 2001) about the
using/institutionalize GIS and Geo-Imagery in planning and contribution of infrastructure and planning to education
decision Support systems (Golay and Major 2000). strategies, school mapping constitutes a major chapter.