Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
The contribution of this work is to show a real implementation 
example and thus to share such experience with others. 
Therefore, summary and discussion of the built GIS data-model 
for school mapping planning application in Jordan is presented. 
Most importantly, presentation of the GIS implementation 
examples as a major role player in the educational decision 
support process to assist decision-makers in either expanding 
current school or suggesting sites for new schools in Jordan. 
This will be used eventually, once all statistical data are 
available, for student and resources location/allocation. The 
design of the Educational Decision Support System (EDSS) for 
Ministry of Education, Jordan, will combine Geospatial 
database and EMIS database with modeling techniques to 
support problem-specific semi-structured decisions while 
allowing the decision makers to use their experience and 
insight. It is important, to illustrate the importance and 
usefulness of using Geo-Imagery (Ikonos data) to help in 
managing, resolve error-checking and assist in integrating large 
and small-scale vector data format with the current GIS-data- 
model for school mapping planning purposes. 
A status report of the existing uses of the model, the model 
development stages and the EDSS strategies is given together 
with an outlook of expected future uses as an Educational 
Decision Support System for planning purposes. The paper 
concludes on the future strategy in implementing the 
decentralizing process of the Decision Support System between 
Educational Directorates for data updates and usage. 
2.1 Introduction 
School mapping is the art and science of building geospatial 
databases with relational databases of educational, 
demographic, social and economic information for schools and 
educational directorates to support educational planners and 
decision makers. 
In order to do proper planning, the educational sector should not 
start any project before making available to all involved parties 
a comprehensive database of all schools, pupils, teachers and 
resources. Building that part of GIS layers with showing school 
locations and other significant geographic features such as 
streets, railroads, city-zoning, school-directorates, sub-districts, 
districts, governorates and other features would provide an 
excellent tool for planners. For example, school mapping was 
utilized in Jordan to approve proposal (ERfKE proposal 2002) 
for constructing new schools and/or renovating existing 
schools. Also, it is very important to build the management 
capacity and the staff in general to be capable of utilizing such 
technology as it is an ongoing process. Furthermore, the data 
has to be updated regularly. 
On the other hand, experts are of major importance to train and 
guide, and can be considered as a link between the geospatial 
database, the stakeholders who are managing and/or using the 
data. Their major role is to ensure an efficient use of available 
data, models, developed software and the basic theoretical 
knowledge. Doing this, will make Education Decision Support 
Systems usable and applicable, and at the same time, will make 
the Decision makers creative to ensure alternative solutions as 
they who really knows the reality and what is considered 
applicable solution. 
This paper put focus on our very interesting and demanding 
project, as it is very useful to share and communicate such 
experience with others. Since, this is a leading and emerging 
technology in our fast evolving era of technology and economy 
reform. Thus the know-how and implementation strategies are 
our continuous seck towards improving our practices and 
quality of life. In fact, in year 2002, the Ministry of Education 
were preparing a major educational reform proposal to be 
approved and launched in year 2003 titled *EDUCATION 
PROJECT PROPOSAL”, which represents a landmark step in 
the progress of change in education in Jordan (ERfKE 2002). 
Four initiatives constitute four components. Components one 
and three are related to this work. Component one is about 
reorientation of education policy objectives and strategy 
through governance and administrative reform, part of it is to 
build a suitable Education Decision Support System. 
Component three is about support provision of quality physical 
learning environments. Major part of it is school buildings for 
population growth. 
2.2 School Mapping Phases and Strategies 
In order to achieve funding for the ERfKE proposal, it was 
required to be backed up with on-ground feasibility study based 
on school mapping recommendations. This required at the time 
to built suitable geospatial database within six months, although 
it is a very time-consuming work. Thus, three implementation 
stages were planned for this according to the required tasks and 
phased over time. 
2.2.1 PHASE I: The aim of the first implementation phase is 
to provide good tool to backup recommendation and to take 
decision of where to build new schools, extended and/or 
renovate existing schools based on the following criterion: 
e Maintain school capacity in terms of the ratio of 
available class room area per student following the 
UNRWA standard ratio of 1.2 m°/student. 
« Renovate or build new school building based on 
building condition, rating criteria is provided by the 
department of Engineering at the Ministry of 
Education (MOE) according to international 
e  l|lluminate and/or minimizes double shift schools (i.e. 
morning and afternoon schools in the same building). 
*  [lluminate and/or minimizes rented schools to provide 
stability and reduce long-term cost. 
e Match the increase in population of the area for the 
next ten years (based on a computed ratio of about 
e Show the overall distribution of current schools in the 
area in a map with all related info. 
Time guideline for this phase was about six months, and thus, 
according to what is available in GIS vector formats and at the 
same time affordable in price, it was decided to use maps with 
1:250000 scale. The resultant maps with the built GIS-data 
model provided a very good visual of current schools 
distribution with available information data. All are integrated 
into a GIS customized softwarc The statistical data added werc 
based on year 1999/2000, which were sufficient for the required 
goal. The build GIS-model is called the Basic model. The next 
sections discusses the built GIS-model and the resultant layers. 
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