Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
information and knowledge and support more effective decision 
The applicability of the visualization methods and concepts 
developed within the Visualization of Nunavut and 
Visualization of Iqaluit projects have been endorsed by the 
territorial government of Nunavut. Local assessment of the 
[qaluit web site resulted in several recommendations. The web 
site has potential to be used in the promotion of eco-tourism 
and for presentation of indigenous culture, especially in the 
local school environment. An opportunity was discussed to 
create a kiosk application at a Nunavut science centre. Further, 
the methods developed within the Visualization of Iqaluit 
project will be re-used as part of the educational material being 
developed at the federal department of Indian and Northern 
Affairs to promote use of visualization and geospatial 
information processing systems at the decision making level. 
The techniques addressed within the Visualization of 
Sustainable Development Decision Making project are still in 
the early stage of development. However, the alternative 
design of interfaces for the Library Collections Module of 
Georgia Basin Digital Library has been accepted by the 
PATHWAYS project leaders as a viable direction for a new 
interface development. 
The ever-increasing complexity of economic and social 
development and the interconnectedness of information needed 
for knowledgeable sustainable development decision making 
requires effective visualization methods capable of integrating, 
simplifying and unambiguously communicating geospatial 
information to wide audiences and stakeholders. 
Al-Kodmany, K., 2001. Visualization tools and methods in 
community planning: from Freehand Sketches to Virtual 
Reality. Journal of planning Literature, 17(2), pp. 189-211. 
Bertin, J., 1983. Semiology of Graphics: Diagrams, Networks, 
Maps. Madison University of Wisconsin Press. 
Bosselmann, P., 1998. Representation of Places, University of 
California Press. 
Campin, B. and W. McCurdy, 2003. SVG Maps for People 
with Visual Impairment, SVG OPEN Conference July 2003, 
Vancouver, Canada, 13-18 July. 
Cartwright, W., 1999. Extending the Map Metaphor Using 
Web Delivered Multimedia. International Journal of 
Geographical Information Science. 13(4), pp. 335-353. 
Cartwright, W., Peterson, M. P. and G. Gartner, eds. 1999. 
Multimedia Cartography. New York: Springer. 
Densham, P.J., 1991. Spatial decision support systems. 
Geographic Information Systems: Principles and Applications, 
New York, John Wiley & Sons 403-12. 
Feenay, F. M-E., LP. Williamson and I.D. Bishop 2002. The 
Role of Institutional Mechanisms in Spatial Data Infrastructure 
Development that Supports Decision Making. Cartography 
31(2), pp. 33-37. 
Gahegan, M., M. Wachowicz, M. Harrower and T.M.. Rhyne, 
2001. The Integration of Geographic Visualization with 
Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Geocomputation. 
Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 28(1), pp. 
Hedly, N. R., 2003. Empirical Evidence of Advanced 
Geographic Visualization Interface Use. Paper presented at the 
21* International Cartographic Conference 10-16 August, in 
Durban, South Africa [CD-ROM], pp. 383-393. 
Janknowski, P. and T. Nyerges. 2001.  GIS-supported 
collaborative decision- making: Results of an experiment. 
Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 91(1), pp. 
Malczewski, J., 1997. Spatial Decision Support Systems, 
NCGIA Core Curriculum in GIScience. 
Malczewski, J., 1999. JIS and Multi-criteria Decision 
Analysis. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 
Natural Resources Canada, 1998. Sustainable Development 
Strategy — Safeguarding our Assets, Securing our Future. 
Natural Resources Canada, 2001. Sustainable Development 
Strategy - Now and for the Future. 
Natural Resources Canada, 2004. Sustainable Development 
Strategy - Moving Forward. 
Perdigäo, J., 1998. CommonGIS: GIS for everyone, from 
everywhere. Proceedings of 4th Economic Commission - GIS 
Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 24 - 26 June. Available from: 
http://www jrc.org; accessed 12 March 2004. 
Richardson, D., 2003. Internal Project Descriptions, Natural 
Resources Canada, Earth Sciences Sector, Ottawa. 
Talwar, S., 2003. The Georgia Basin Digital Library (GDBL): 
A Framework for a Place-Based Exploration of Sustainability 
Issues. Geomatica, 57(2), pp. 155 - 164. 
Wilbanks, T.J., 1994. Sustainable Development in Geographic 
Perspective. Annals of the Association of American 
Geographers, 84(4), pp. 541-556. 
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