Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
The data will be furnished in the RINEX standard data format. 
At this point with the common elaboration softwares on PC; 
you can operate the processing of the surveying GPS data. 
Fig 2. Geo-Data (TIM): website. sy 
In “real time” (DGPS-RTK) the correction is directly effected 
during the survey. A telephone number of radiomobile network 
(335 8820 YYY) is associated to each of the 23 permanent 
GPS-stations. In this way, while you are effecting the survey 
with the mobile GPS, you have to start the call in data 
transmission, through GSM mobile phone. VAS (TIM Service 
Center) establishes the virtual connection with the selected 
permanent GPS-station, allowing this last to transmit a flow of 
D-GPS corrections. It's used the standard protocol RTCM for 
data transmission. This signal is elaborated in real time from 
the receiver's software, envolving the measureaments precision. 
The receiver adopted as rover has been “Leica GS20 
Professional Data Mapper” (figure n° 3). It is a 12- channel LI 
code and phase handheld GPS device for professional data 
mapping with internal antenna. It is a data collector that allows 
a good integration between GPS and GIS mapping solution. 
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Fig 3. Leica GS20 and Leica System 500. 
The collection of real time sub-meter data is possible with 
Bluetooth wireless technology. The upgrade of application and 
receiver firmwares has been realized in the Geomatic 
Laboratory of the Polytechnic of Bari (figure n°4). 
Then. it was estabilished the wireless Bluetooth connection 
between a mobile phone provided of a SIM card for data 
The use of the wireless Bluetooth system has requested the 
configuration of a mobile phone (Siemens S55) and above all 
the upgrading of the GS20 firmwares. The procedure has 
articulated in two phases: the upgrade of the applications and 
the upgrade of the receiver. 
1 File Browser | 
| AF 
| zFimware Update ! | 
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3 Sensor Transfer. 
Reference data is available 
Fig 4. Application and receiver firmware upgrade with the 
version 1.15. 
Firmware updates can only be executed from the compact flash 
card in the GS20: the files transfer has required more than two 
hours. The receiver has lost the informations of its initial 
configuration: it has been necessary to restart the initialization 
to allow the receiver to adjourn satellites configuration. 
The job has been conducted with the geographical coordinates 
WGS84: the transformation in local coordinates has been 
effected during the survey. 
At each point, it has been started the GSM connection through 
the call in data transmission to the GeoTIM permanent GPS- 
station of Bari Modugno (figure n? 5). 
Fig 5. DGPS-RTK GeoTIM System 
During GSM connection the corrections are directed from the 
station to the mobile phone and then to the GPS Leica GS20 
receiver through Bluetooth system. 
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