Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
give more information to a man with low physical resolution 
because the resolution added can not be perceived. This 
resolution-limitation suggests that what a user can get from a 
map by eyes is not always the same as what the map contains. 
Maybe this limitation is not so important when we access a 
local image database and analysis images with corresponding 
software, but this situation changes dramatically if it is in the 
distributed environment and Internet. 
Suppose there is a user with normal sight and he sends an 
HTTP request that contains a request for a certain map on the 
server. If server responds with a map whose resolution is lower 
than client machine, usually the user can only get part of the 
information he wants because some details are missed. Through 
some progressive schema, server can transfer more data to 
improve the map's resolution. After this stage, usually the user 
can get more information when he perceives more and more 
details of the map. But up to some certain resolution if the . 
server transfers more data to improve the resolution and quality 
of the map, the user cannot get more information even when he 
is given more data. Obviously, server should stop transfer data 
on this certain resolution to avoid wasting of bandwidth. 
Then our job is to find this resolution. Firstly and obviously, 
this resolution must be lower than the client machine's 
resolution, for higher resolution details cannot be displayed on 
the client's machine. We can find even this simple rule is useful. 
We can add some header into the request HTTP message to 
include the information about client machine's resolution, and 
then server can send data according to this resolution. 
But this simple rule is not enough. We need some rules that are 
more precise. Suppose there is a map as follows, if we raster it 
with different resolution, what we get is listed in Fig 4. 
| | | Wi 
(a) (b) (c) (d) 
Figure 4. A map rastered with different resolution (only bi-level, 
grayscale not considered) 
In (b), we can only find the line feature passes left-up corner of 
the map, which is implied by three black pixels. Then we refine 
the resolution from 2*2 to 4*4, as shown in (c). More details 
are now displayed and we can get more information about this 
feature. But if the resolution is refined from 4*4 to 8*8, the 
information increment that we can get is less than previous step. 
If the resolution becomes finer and finer, users almost no longer 
get more information. 
From this process we define a new way of raster-based 
information measurement method. From the point of human 
sentience, the reason that a pixel can stimulate human eyes is 
because its color is different with its context, which is the 
collection of pixels adjacent to it as shown in Fig 5., and if the 
contraction between it and its context is sharper, it can give 
human eyes more stimulus, thus more information accepted by 
human eyes. Then we can extract this difference and define the 
information of a pixel P as follows: 
Information, = > (Difference between Pand its context) (6) 
C Pic 
C C rc 
Figure5. A pixel’s context 
Information obtained by this approach is relevant to the map’ 
resolution, and the data size of the map ultimately. We can 
utilize the metric of this information to determine how much 
data should we transfer to a client with certain resolution. A 
QoS map service can be implemented based on this method. 
3.3 Features of raster-based information 
Then what is the relationship and difference between this new 
information measurement and Shannon’s concept of entropy? 
Shannon’s entropy is a measurement of ‘uncertainty’, which is 
what we want to obtain from the data to be transferred through 
communication channel. To a certain map, if the purpose of 
transferring it is just for display, to eliminate this ‘uncertainty’ 
completely, the number of pixels we need is related to both the 
display device’s resolution and the map itself. If this map is of 
high resolution, some part of ‘uncertainty’ cannot be 
determined by a low-resolution display device, then it is useless 
to transfer more details beyond this client resolution to the 
client. If the map itself is relatively simple (i.e. it contains few 
features and the shape of features is straightforward) and do not 
contain many details, a lower resolution (may be lower than the 
resolution of display device and the original map) can 
determine all the ‘uncertainty’ in the map and a higher 
resolution is unnecessary. From the point of information theory 
the original map contains a certain amount of information, but 
what the information theory do not consider is whether all of 
this information can be received by the user or not. It is not 
adequate to use only information theory to be guidance on how 
to deal with data and information, especially on the distributed 
We can infer from the discussion above that a quantitative 
relation between information and data must exist. A brief 
analysis of this relation is presented as follows. Let us begin by 
one single pixel. If the whole map is rastered to only one pixel, 
then the data size is the minimum, and the information amount 
is 0 due to this pixel has no context. It is obvious for we can 
know nothing from a single pixel. That is where we begin. Then 
we improve the resolution, and the map becomes finer and finer 
as discussed before. In this process, usually information amount 
is keep arising. But to a certain resolution, the information will 
not arise with the resolution improved for all the details can be 
determined with this resolution and the finer version of data is 
unnecessary. The curve that describes this relation must usually 
be mono-modal with a single peak and where the peak lies 
depends on the map itself and resolution of user's display 
device. We find this relation through experimental research and 
further we can use this relation as a rule to determine how much 
data should we transfer through the network, which is what 
Section 4 does. 
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