Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

stanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Point No. East North 
s N.1 230575 197.4 14191 22771 
N.2 28857: 1858 215015227 1 
Table 1. WGS-84 coordinates obtained from GPS 
Figure 4. Cylindrical panorama (see Benosman, R., Kang, S.B., 
Kl Gauss-Kr. Y (m) X (m) 
Since panoramic image becomes larger than each image used Cartesian Coord. 
for creating panorama, picture size should be very low. For 
inctance, if an image size is 40 kb, total panoramic image is Ni 1 
S der : S l. 4 543 669.880 412 131.010 
about 400 kb. 400 kb are even a high size on the internet 2 2 
because end user’s connection problems. When we make size of N2 4 543 710.820 412 141.470 
image small, we lose the visual quality. 
Pictures were opened at 3dvista Studio by order. After Table 2. Gauss-Kruger Cartesian Coordinates 
alignment and stitching process, we got panorama. Panoramic 
image was converted to a video file (Figure 5). The file Figure 6 explains how to provide integration between panorama 
extension is mov. It's well-known file format for Quick Time and TIS. Perspective view of Historical peninsula is showed in 
Player. So we managed to convert an image file to video file. It Figure 6. According to measured point, panorama was located 
gives opportunity to use easily because of common video file to information system. 
format. End users don't encounter any problem to play the 
movie file. (Akcay O., Altan M.O., 2003). iA 
: Toe 
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konum1.mov e EE Historical jai “_ f] Panorama 
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File Edt Movie QTY Window Help 
/ om > ;Méasured 
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A / by GPS 
Figure 6. Integration of Panoramic Image 
Location was done with Arcview software. Therefore, 
panorama was obtained as data. 
2.3 Integration with Web-based GIS 
In the study, Map Objects ActiveX software component and 
- Map Objects Internet Map Server software (ESRI) were used. 
y Map Objects was used to build the GIS application and MOIMS 
was used as a gateway program. Map Objects and MOIMS 
were used together with Visual Basic, which is an application 
development environment. Microsoft Internet Information 
Services Program was used to share information over the 
Internet. Figure 7 and figure 8 shows samples of internet 
application from browser. 
Figure 5. A video image (panoramic) 
Points taken photos in, also were measured by handheld GPS 
because of determining coordinates of panoramic images. After 
measurement with handheld GPS, we obtained WGS-84 datum 
geographical coordinates. The coordinates should have 
projected to 3 degree Gauss-Kruger Cartesian coordinates. 
Table 1 and Table 2 illustrate coordinates and projection result 
for GPS measurement. 
Web-based GIS applications combine the advantages of both 
GIS and the Internet. Linking spatial data with panoramic 
images and other non-spatial data has a potential for 
environmental management, urban planning, preservation, and 
tourism. There will be subsequent improvements in the 
functions and capability of the application to make it more 

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