Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

tanbul 2004 
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LUO Yingwei *, WANG Xiaolin and XU Zhuoqun 
Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China, 100871 — lyw@pku.edu.cn 
KEY WORDS: Geo-Agents, Collaboration, Parallel 
The collaboration and parallel mechanisms in a spatial multi-agent system Geo-Agents are explored and analysed in details. GIS 
agent in Geo-Agents are designed as four types: system manager — Facilitator, users or applications oriented agent - Interface Agent, 
spatial task undertaker — GIS Function Agent, and spatial database manager - GuServer. In Geo-Agents, Collaboration is embodied 
in two aspects: (1) collaboration among interface agents. Three types of collaboration among interface agents are discussed: direct 
cooperation, peer group cooperation and charge-tributary group cooperation. (2) collaboration under control of interface agent. Geo- 
Agents likes a kind of cluster parallel system, and parallel is performed by GIS function agents. Parallel of GIS function agents takes 
place in collaboration under control of interface agent, and exists as three modes: isomorphic cooperative parallel, heterogeneous 
cooperative parallel and exclusive parallel. 
Geo-Agents is an agent-based distributed GIS (see Figure 1). 
Geo-Agents consists of four types of GIS agent: Facilitator, 
Interface agent, GIS function agent and GuServer (Luo Yingwei, 
1999; Luo Yingwei, et al, 2002). 
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Figure 1 Geo-Agents System 
Facilitator is the manager of Geo-Agents. The functions of 
Facilitator include registering available GIS agents, searching 
for practicable GIS agents, managing all active agent instances, 
coordinating communication and coordinating cooperation. 
GIS function agent encapsulates spatial querying, spatial 
processing or spatial analyzing services. The encapsulated 
services in GIS function agent may come from different 
existing GIS platforms. Each GIS function agent can complete a 
same type of problem. According to the features of GIS, GIS 
function agent is classified into another two types: basic 
function agent and domain-oriented function agent. Basic 
function agent completes basic GIS services, such as spatial 
data search, spatial data access, network analysis, overlay 
analysis, buffer analysis and so on. Domain-oriented function 
* Corresponding author: LUO Yingwei, lyw(@pku.edu.en. 
agent is responsible for application tasks in various domains, 
and can be constructed by domain-oriented model and used 
generally in one domain. 
Interface agent provides interfaces for users or applications to 
hand task. Geo-Agents provides GeoScript, an agent 
manipulating language to describe GIS tasks (Luo Yingwei, 
1999). When solving a practicable problem, users or 
applications can simply use GeoScript statements to describe 
the task, and then hand the statements to interface agent. 
Interface agent has a GeoScript interpreter and can disassemble 
the task to subtasks autonomously, recruit GIS function agents 
to complete the task concurrently. 
GuServer is in charge of spatial information accessing services, 
which manages spatial information and spatial metadata in 
spatial databases. 
In Geo-Agents, GIS agent is reactive agent, and every GIS 
agent consists of five units: control subsystem, functional 
subsystem, communication subsystem, human-computer 
interface and data resource. GIS agent is not only able to carry 
out its own task independently, but also communicate with 
other agents, exchange information and cooperate with others. 
“Agent Region” mode is adopted to control the distributed 
scenario for Geo-Agents. An “Agent Region” consists of one or 
more hosts, which must be installed with a Facilitator (and or 
other GIS agents). There are many Facilitators in an “Agent 
Region”. Different Facilitators can cooperate to control and 
coordinate every GIS agent to run correctly, and hold the 
distributed controls of the whole system. 
In an “Agent Region”, there is one and only one Facilitator that 
will be configured as AgentServer. Facilitator is used to manage 
and coordinate agents inside one “Agent Region”. Besides the 
functions of Facilitator, AgentServer serves as a bridge among 
different “Agent Regions”. That is to say, an agent in one 
“Agent Region” can only communicate with agents in other 
"Agent Regions" through  AgentServer. Of course, an 

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