Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
accuracy of 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm for Waldkirch and 
Yokohama dataset respectively. The same orientation used later 
for the automatic extraction was used also for the manual 
measurements. Mass points have been separated in two classes: 
ground points close to the perimeter of buildings and ground 
points defining the bare earth (BE) surface excluding points 
close to buildings. This classification is justifled as errors 
arising from matching should be treated separately from 
modeling errors of the surface in 2.5D. Breaklines have been 
extracted along discontinuities on the ground and on buildings 
or man made objects (MMO), even small features on roofs. 
Points along the breaklines have been interpolated every 0.20 m, 
corresponding to approximately 1 pixel in image space. Forest 
areas and trees have been excluded from the measurements as it 
was difficult to extract reliable 3D coordinates, due to their 
imprecise and unclear shape. 
Moreover, due to the radiometric quality of the Yokohama 
dataset, many roofs, especially the smaller ones lying partly in 
the shadowed areas, could not be accurately extracted and for 
several manually measured points the estimated accuracy 
degraded (~ 60 cm). 
Roadmarks were not always easily visible due to the shadowing. 
Less points could be extracted in open surfaces and close to 
building outlines and therefore the class used to analyze 
separately modeling errors was not used. 
DSM extraction was tested in selected regions, excluding large 
shadowed areas (especially in the Yokohama dataset). As the 
Waldkirch region had more variations in land cover, three 
regions have been selected’. The relief in area W1052A (Fig. 4 
(a)) was undulating and sparse houses, trees and small salt lakes 
existed. The area W1052B (Fig. 4 (a)) was relatively flat with 
good texture in agricultural fields. The area W1052C (Fig. 4 (c)) 
included complex objects, well defined roads, single and groups 
of trees, in many cases close to the houses. One representative 
region has been selected in the Yokohama dataset (Fig. 5) and it 
included high buildings (some over 20 m high) and thus large 
discontinuities and occlusions. In combination with the low 
radiometric quality, the degree of difficulty in extracting a 
reliable DSM of this area increased. 
The parameters of each system have been modified according to 
the characteristics of each area. As mentioned already in Section 
22, in SS the AATE method was used in all tests in 
combination with the TIN option. For the Waldkirch test areas 
W1052A and W1052C, 1 meter grid interval in object space 
was used and for W1052B, as the terrain was less undulating, 
the grid interval was set to 1.5 m. For the Yokohama test area a 
denser matching was employed with 0.5 m grid spacing due to 
the density of buildings and large parallax differences. In AIM, 
the strategy of each area varied. Single and multiple template 
strategies were used for areas W1052A, W1052B and Y0624C, 
W1052C respectively. An approximate surface in the upper 
pyramid levels was generated by matching of grid points (5 m 
interval), and further refined by matching of edges in the lower 
levels. However, for area W1052B edge matching was used 
only in the two lower levels as the area was less undulating. 
The results of the quantitative analysis, performed for the above 
areas, are shown in Table 4. The raw DSM points without any 
' The naming scheme and coding of the areas indicates dataset, strip and 
region of interest. E.g. W1052A is the region A, imaged in strip 1052 of 
Waldkirch (W) dataset. The number of the strip is also used to indicate 
that the images used in matching are selected only from this strip in case 
the area is imaged in multiple strips. 
postprocessing (e.g. filtering, modeling of breaklines) and the 
interpolated elevations of the reference-measured points were 
utilized to compute statistics of elevation differences (RMS, 
mean with sign, absolute maximum and standard deviation). 
(b) (c) 
Figure 4. Test areas in the Waldkirch dataset. The size of 
W1052A (a), W1052B (b) areas was approximately 
2000 x 2000 pixels and of W1052C (c) area 2500 x 
1800 pixels. 
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Figure 5. Part of test area Y0624C in the Yokohama dataset. 
The total size of the area is 1000 x 3000 pixels. 
Errors with respect to points on bare earth (BE) and on man 
made objects (MMO) are analyzed separately (Pts, Brklin). The 
number of single points on BE was less than the interpolated 
breakline points and the first were measured in locally flat areas. 
Modeling errors are separately computed as error statistics from 
points that lie close to the buildings and on the ground (hPts). In 
general, AIM delivered more accurate results than SS in all test 
areas. In relative flat areas (W1052B), less differences in the 
accuracy could be observed. Blunders in DSMs derived with SS 
were significantly higher, in locally flat areas and in the case of 
MMO but also at breaklines. AIM shows a better performance 
in case of discontinuities, as accuracy increased by 
approximately two times and blunders were less than SS for all 
areas in the case of MMO. For both systems accuracy degraded 
for points close to building outlines, as less points could be 
automatically derived in these areas. Here, elevation was 
interpolated from the nearest points, which apparently were 
either on the ground or on buildings, leading thus often to large 
errors. In addition, planimetric errors, even if small, can also 
cause at surface discontinuities large height errors. SS has 
generated more points than AIM in all areas except W1052B. 
The reason for this is the inclusion of edges with AIM, leading 
to extraction of many points in highly-textured areas, e.g. the 
agricultural fields. In the case of Yokohama, as one could 
expect, accuracy degraded more, as the geometric and 
radiometric quality of the data was poorer and the acquisition of 

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