Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
and Brand, 2003), or to find planes in a large number of 
3D points (Bauer et al., 2003). 
Computer vision has understood many of the geometric 
problems of the imaging process over the last decade very 
well. Early results are summarized in (Faugeras, 1993), 
while the state of the art is given by (Hartley and Zis- 
serman, 2000, Faugeras and Luong, 2001). In the last 
years a focus has been on geometric algebras. An impor- 
tant ingredient is Grassman-Cayley Algebra as proposed 
by (Faugeras and Papadopoulo, 1997). Recently, (Rosen- 
hahn and Sommer, 2002) have extended the scope of geo- 
metric modeling significantly, allowing, e.g., to deal with 
articulated objects linearly. (Heuel, 2001) has presented 
work where traditional statistics is linked with geometric 
algebras making it possible to propagate stochastic infor- 
25 Learning 
From a practical, but also from a theoretical point of view 
automatic learning, i.e., the automatic generation of mod- 
els from given data or even experience, is of big impor- 
tance as it avoids the tedious manual process of model 
generation. The latter is one of the most important rea- 
sons, why an automated extraction of objects with a wider 
variety of appearances does not seem to be feasible yet. 
For learning one has to distinguish between very different 
degrees ranging from the mere adaptation of parameters to 
the fully automatic generation of models for objects such 
as buildings including their parts, their structure, and their 
geometry, as, e.g., in (Englert, 1998). 
Unfortunately, learning is, after standard textbooks have 
been introduced a long while ago (Michalski et al., 1984, 
Michalski et al., 1986), still not advanced enough to deal 
well with real world problems as complex as object extrac- 
tion. Yet, this is not a surprise as object extraction is a 
large part of the overall vision problem which is even af- 
ter a lot of research by extremely skilled humans not really 
Also for learning statistics might come to help. Hid- 
den Markov Models (HMM) have made possible a break- 
through in the interpretation of written and spoken text. 
Instead of describing words and their relations structurally 
(grammar) and semantically, it was found for many ap- 
plications enough just to analyze the statistical dependen- 
cies of very few neighboring words based on HMM (Ney, 
1999). Similar ideas have been introduced also into im- 
age processing, but the much higher complexity makes 
progress much more difficult. 
Finally, concerning another popular means also used for 
learning, namely artificial neural networks, we refer to the 
discussion in a recent survey on statistical pattern recog- 
nition (Jain et al., 2000). There it is stated, that “many 
concepts in neural networks, which were inspired by bio- 
logical neural networks, can be directly treated in a prin- 
cipled way in statistical pattern recognition.” On the other 
hand, it is noted that “neural networks, do offer several ad- 
vantages such as. unified approaches for feature extraction 
and classification and flexible procedures for finding good, 
moderately nonlinear solutions.” 
A key factor for the practical use of a technique in many 
areas is thorough testing. Yet, this is only useful after hav- 
ing obtained a profound theoretical understanding of the 
problem. There are different issues, where testing can help 
e It becomes evident what the best approaches can 
achieve and therefore, what the state of the art is. 
e The strengths but also the weaknesses of compet- 
ing approaches become clearly visible and the whole 
area can flourish by focusing on promising directions, 
abandoning less promising ones, and by identifying 
unexplored territory. 
e Testing usually gives a large push to all people in- 
volved. By trying to outperform other approaches one 
learns much about the possibilities but also the limits 
of one’s owns approach. 
Unfortunately, it is not always easy to define what to ac- 
tually test. This is most critical for practical issues, such 
as the effectiveness of semi-automated approaches com- 
pared to the manual approaches. It depends on many fac- 
tors some of them needing lots of efforts for optimization 
if the real potential of an approach is to be obtained. But 
also for automated approaches there is a large number of 
factors which influence the test and by this also which ap- 
proaches perform well and which not. For roads, e.g., the 
preferred characteristics of the terrain plays an important 
role while for buildings, the situation is even worse. There, 
approaches exist, assuming at least 4-fold image overlap, 
while others rely on laser-scanner data only, both possibly 
modeling different types of buildings, e.g., flat roofs versus 
polyhedral objects. 
Our experience shows that for many applications two basic 
measures are suitable for testing, namely “correctness” and 
"completeness" (Heipke et al., 1997). Other people use 
different names for these concepts, but what we mean is the. 
percentage of extracted object information which can be 
matched to given ground truth data (correctness), as well 
as the percentage of ground truth data that can be matched 
to the extracted information (completeness). As one can 
see, the matching of the object information to ground truth 
data is an important issue. Road axes can be seen to match 
as long as they are inside the actual area of the road or in- 
side a buffer generated from specifications for the precision 
of the acquisition. For buildings it is more complicated as 
one can match ground truth data and extracted information 
in 2D and in 3D. Usually, the computation is done in image 
space (pixels) or 3D voxel space (Shufelt, 1999). To sep- 
arate orientation errors from object extraction errors, in- 
dividual objects can be optimally transformed before this 

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