Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
computation by means of matching. Depending on the ap- 
plication, another possibility is to consider a valid match 
to be achieved as long as ground truth data and extracted 
object information have any overlap. 
For approaches relevant for DPW, testing must always be 
done against real world data, and not against simulated 
data. The question if ground truth data should be gathered 
from the 3D reality, or if ground truth data should be man- 
ually digitized from the image used also for the automated 
interpretation is from our point easy to answer: If the goal 
is to evaluate the whole production chain, the former is ap- 
propriate. In many cases one just wants to know how much 
worse than a human the automated system is. Then, bench- 
marking against given manually digitized ground truth data 
is the way to go. To avoid a bias from an operator, one can 
match against the results of more than one operator such as 
in (Martin et al., 2004). 
Together with Emmanuel Baltsavias of ETH Zurich 
we have recently set up a test on "Automated ex- 
traction, refinement, and update of road databases 
from imagery and other data” (http://www.bauv.unibw 
muenchen.de/institute/inst10/eurosdr) under the umbrella 
of EuroSDR (European spatial data research; formerly 
known as OEEPE). On one hand, we want to learn the data 
specification needs of important data producers, mainly na- 
tional mapping agencies (NMA) and their customers. On 
the other hand, existing semi- and fully-automated systems 
for road extraction will be evaluated based on high quality 
image data against given, manually digitized ground truth 
To limit the scope, we do not deal with multi-spectral 
classification, which is well understood and for which 
powerful commercial products such as ERDAS IMAGINE 
from Leica Geosystems or ENVI from Research Systems 
Inc. are available. Closer to our intentions is eCognition of 
Definiens GmbH as it deals with objects, not pixels. Be- 
cause it aims more at similar applications as the former two 
products assuming larger ground pixel sizes than DPW, we 
will not treat it here either. 
For general purpose DPW as well as GIS, automated func- 
tionality for object extraction is very limited. According to 
(Baltsavias, 2004), the only more widely known systems 
actually useful for practice because offering the most au- 
tomation are the systems InJect of INPHO GmbH (Gülch 
et al., 1999) and CC-Modeler of CyberCity AG (Grün and 
Wang, 2001). Though, both are limited with this respect, 
that they are dedicated to building extraction only. 
(Baltsavias, 2004) points out, that it is clear why full au- 
tomation is not feasible today, but asks “why are important- 
for-the-practice semi-automated approaches so rare?” We 
will give some ideas why this is the case, but we will also 
point on ways how to change it. 
Basically, as pointed out above, automated object extrac- 
tion is extremely difficult and therefore error-prone. Only 
a limited number of the approaches developed over the 
last two decades has been developed so far that they work 
for a larger number of data sets and are ready for testing 
(cf. Section 3). But even if there was a larger number 
of approaches with reasonable performance in real world 
tests, there is another issue which makes the preparation of 
an approach for practice even more problematic than the 
usual 1 : 10: 100 relation between proof of concept : sta- 
ble prototype : product level: This is the dependence of the 
user interaction on the performance level and the strategy 
of object extraction in the system. 
This means, that to build a highly effective interactive sys- 
tem, the interaction needs to be tailored to a fixed level of 
automation. If the level of automation improves, it is not 
too unlikely, that the interaction of the system will have 
to be considerably different, implying larger changes for 
the software, but also possibly for the production chains of 
the customers. Seen the other way around more positively, 
(Baltsavias, 2004) recommends to design the control in- 
cluding human interaction to build systems that are useful 
for practice. 
A reaction to the difficulties of fully-automated object ex- 
traction is a restriction to problems where the computer 
directly assists the user in real-time. This is the case for 
InJect but only partly for CC-Modeler. For roads, this 
idea has been promoted early, e.g., by (Grün and Li, 1994, 
Heipke et al., 1994), but nowadays it seems that roads are, 
e.g., in open rural areas, so easy to extract, that it is a good 
idea to do it fully-automated. On the other hand, in urban 
areas, but also in shadows or at complex crossings, they are 
so difficult to extract, that only fully-automated non-real- 
time-processing can deal with them today. 
For practically relevant systems, we believe, that the hu- 
man has to be in the loop. We also think that in many cases 
it is beneficial to use one or two automated off-line pro- 
cesses, probably preceded or interrupted, but in any case 
followed by manual interaction. The generation of work- 
flows defining the offline-phases, but also very importantly 
the information to be given to the automated procedure by 
a user interaction preceding it, is essential for the overall 
There are several steps needed to develop a system use- 
ful for practice, to be embedded into a DPW. The basis 
are thorough theoretical understanding and testing. For an 
efficient user interaction, the key is an appropriate trade- 
off between completeness and correctness / reliability. It 
is usually more costly in terms of user interaction time to 
eliminate complex failures. Therefore, it is a good idea, to 
use as a basis for human interaction a version where the 
completeness is still high, but where very few complicated 
errors, especially in terms of topology occur. 
A related issue is self-diagnosis. In this context it is not the 
same as in statistical modeling as it makes use of additional 
knowledge about the strengths and weaknesses of human 
interaction. For a semi-automated system it is extremely 
important that the correct objects (green) are actually cor- 
rect with a very high probability, so that they do not have to 
be ch 
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