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K.-H. Anders * *, I.Ó. Bildirici
* Institute for Cartography and Geoinformatics, University of Hannover, Germany —
? Selcuk Universitesi, Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakultesi Jeodezi ve Fotogrametri Müh. Bol., Konya, Turkey —
Commission VI, WG IV/3, 1C WG IVIV
KEY WORDS: Cartography, GIS, Multiresolution, Generalisation, Matching, Database System, Visualization
A Multi-resolution/representation-database (MRDB) can be described as a spatial database, which can be used to store the same real-
world-phenomena at different levels of precision, accuracy and resolution. Furthermore these phenomena can be stored in different
ways of presentation or symbolisation. In an MRDB, different views on the same physical objects or phenomena can be stored and
linked. This variety of sights can stem from different views of the world, different applications, as well as different resolutions.
These lead to differences in the objects as such, i.e. in the semantics and in the geometry. There are several reasons for introducing a
MRDB: On the one hand it allows a multi-scale analysis of the data: Information in one resolution can be analysed with respect to
information given in another resolution. On the other hand a major reason for National Mapping Agencies to investigate and
implement MRDB is the possibility of propagating updates between the scales, which is also called “incremental generalisation”. In
a cooperation with the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) we are developing at the ikg an automatic
model generalisation und update (data revision) system for the German ATKIS (Authoritative Topographic-Cartographic
Information System). In this paper we will describe the structure and functionality of our ATKIS MRDB, which is based on an
Oracle database system as storage component and the ESRI ArcGIS system as the user interface to the MRDB.
National mapping agencies (NMA's) in general and nowadays
also commercial spatial data provider have to provide digital
map series with different scale of the same area. These leads to
the problem to update all the digital map series in a consistent
way. Updating all related maps independently is an time and
money consuming process because the amount of work to
guarantee the consistency of all related data sets is high. To
make this process more efficient it should be possible to change
manually only the data set with the highest resolution (largest
scale) and all other data sets with a smaller scale will be
generated automatically from this base data set.
In a project financed by the German Federal Agency for
Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) we are developing at the
institute for cartography and geoinformatics (ikg) together with
the institute for database systems (dbs) an automatic model
generalisation and update (data revision) system for the German
ATKIS (Authoritative Topographic-Cartographic Information
System). The ATKIS database includes four digital landscape
models (DLM): BaseDLM (1:10.000-1:25.000), DIM50
(1:50:000), DLM250 (1:250.000), DLM1000 (1:1000.000). All
these four DLM’s have to be stored in one logical database with
tools for the automatic update of the DLM's from the
BaseDLM. Therefore we are developing integration tools,
model generalisation tools, and visualisation components.
Corresponding author.
An MRDB can be described as a spatial database, which can be
used to store the same real-world-phenomena at different levels
of precision, accuracy and resolution (Devogele, 1996; Weibel,
1999). It can be understood both as a multiple representation
database and as a multiple resolution database. In an MRDB,
different views on the same physical objects or phenomena can
be stored and linked. This variety can stem from different views
of the world, different applications, as well as different
resolutions. These lead to differences in the objects as such, i.e.
in the semantics and in the geometry. Also the graphic
representation can be taken into account, leading to geometric,
semantic and graphic multiplicities (Bédard, 2002). There are
two main features that characterise an MRDB:
1. Different levels of detail (LoD’s) are stored in one
database and
2. The objects in the different levels are linked.
The first feature can be compared to the analogue map series of
the NMA's: these maps of different scales exist separately, only
implicitly linked by the common geometry. In the second case,
however, individual objects are explicitly linked with each
other and thus cach object “knows” its corresponding objects in
the other representations.