Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
topographic maps (State Bureau of Technology Supervision, 
1996). Each point in imagery is interpolated and positioned in 
DEM strictly according to collinearity condition equation. Its 
gray is given the gray value of corresponding point in DOM 
based on the ground coordinate. For these simulated imageries, 
their orientation parameters, image coordinates and ground 
coordinates are known. It is very convenient to evaluate 
precisely the practical accuracy of block adjustment. Table 1 
shows the main technical data of each set of simulating 
Table 1. Technical data of aerial imageries 
em Parameters 
Imagery-1 Imagery-2 | Imagery-3 Imagery-4 | Imagery-5 
strip number 11 10 5 4 iris 
image number 11x15 10x12 | 5x7 4x6 Axa 
observed point number per image 9-15 10-19 9-15 13-32 36-66 | 
M. pomme eT ES 22424 moifio 10 62-10 
.. . .  Avemgeimagescae | 1:20000 140000 Gh ob | 
padi ai > ame 23cmx23em " oo. 
principal length 153.189mm mm d 
“resolution of digital imagery a Te uk . 
heading overlap 60% asie 
. . side overlap. : : Tdi. | 4094 : 
For conveniently adjusting, 9 standard orientation points are 
extracted in each model of imagery-1 and imagery-3 and 
transferred to the other imageries of différent scale. The 
orientation points in imagery-2 and imagery-5 are all 
transferred from imagery-1, and the orientation points in 
imagery-4- are all transferred. from imagery-3. - If the- 
transformation of orientation point at the standard position is 
failure, it must be extracted again in the: current image to 
confirm that the number of orientation points in a model is not. 
less than 9 and there is at least 3 tie points between two 
neighborhood models. During the experiment, random Gauss 
noise with zero mean value is added all image observations to 
simulate the measuring error. 
Random noises produce by generator of random number. This 
experiment adopt fake generator controlled by software. We 
produce pseuso-random sequence that satisfies the requirement 
of the experiment at one time. For instance, 4684 random 
numbers are produced when imagery-1 is simulated. And they 
are compiled with Gauss distribution. To make the series of 
random numbers compiled with normal distribution, a series of 
random numbers are firstly produced by multiplicative 
congruential method and these numbers are complied with 0-1 
distribution. Then these random numbers is standardized to 
produce a series of random errors. The statistical result shows 
that the mean value of the series of random errors is zero and 
the standard variance is (1 0.01)x 5um . The series of 
random errors are added to image coordinates of each 
orientation point, so we get a set of image observations with 
measuring errors of Sum. 
Adjustment of imagery-l, imagery-3 and imagery-5 are 
separately operated by conventional bundle block adjustment 
software WuCAPSgps (Yan, 2000). A full ground control 
points around the perimeter of the area at intervals of two 
airbases and an elevation ground control points at intervals of 
four airbases in the center of the arca are set up. Table 2 gives 
the adjustment results. 
The data in the table 2 shows that the m 'asuring accuracy of 
image measurements is not larger than 5.7. m. It accords with 
the standard variance of the added random errors in image 
observations. The practical accuracy ‘of adjusted coordinates of 
photogrammetric points is very close to the theoretic accuracy. 
It also shows that the program of aerial simulated photography 
is correct, and produced imageries can be used-im the following 
research. A 
The exterior orientation elements of five sets of simulated 
imageries and 3D coordinates of densification points are 
calculated by combined bundle block adjustment with the 
derived mathematical model. The adjustment methods are 
divided into four ways: 
A. Using imagery-1 to calculate the orientation 
parameters of imagery-2 and the coordinates of 
densification points; 
D. Using imagery-3 to calculate the orientation 
parameters of imagery-4 and the coordinates of 
densification points; 
C. Using imagery-1 to calculate the orientation 
g gery 
parameters of imagery-5 and the coordinates of 
densification points; 
D. Using imagery-5 to calculate the orientation 
parameters of imagery-1 and the coordinates of 
densification points. 
None of GCPs is used in the above adjustment methods. These 
bundle block adjustments are accomplished by combine the 
image observations and the exterior orientation clements of the 
fixed imageries. According to photogrammetric practice, the 
exterior orientation elements adopt the ones calculated by the 
conventional bundle block adjustment in the second section, 
not the theoretic values of the simulated imageries. And image 
observations of two periods of imageries have Sum measuring 
errors. The adjustment results are shown in table 3. 
Note: 1). 
- eo 
From Tabl 
1) Table 
2) Ther 
the c 
two | 
3D € 

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