Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 3. 1:1000 planimetric map of the city of Rasht (a), 
corresponding IKONOS Pan-sharpen Patch (b), 
Corresponding Aerial Patch (c). Extracted 3D objects in test 
area (d), Classified Objects (e) and Final result of proposed 
automatic change detection methodology in the test area (f). 
The obtained results by applving our proposed strategy on 
different kinds of objects from natural to man-made GIS 
objects established the high capability of our proposed ACD 
strategy. The main feature of this strategy is not so much its 
individual modules that perform different tasks, but the 
methodology itself that governs the entire system. Our 
methodology is based on these premises: (1) Simultaneous 
fusion of all available information for the object extraction 
and recognition. In our case these were limited to the three 
STS components. However, it can be extended to include 
other possible descriptive attributes if they are available. (2) 
Because of the fuzzy behavior of the objects. a rigorous and 
crisp modeling approach for extraction and recognition 
problems should be avoided. (3) Taking into account the 
numerous varieties of the objects types and appearances, 
training potentials are a real necessity for an ACD method. 
(4) Within the general scope of the proposed methodology, 
individual modules such as matching operation, surface 
modeling, region growing, structural and textural analysis, 
etc. can be improved parallel with the related algorithmic 
We believe our proposed ACD strategy has demonstrated a 
promising and comprehensive solution to a complicated 
problem, however, we are still far from reaching to a perfect 
solution for a fully automatic ACD system. Bearing in mind 
the general concepts presented above we may outline the 
future research works based on the following proposals: 
e Implementation of a hybrid neuro-fuzzy approach 
by which recognition parameters as well as fuzzy 
rules are trained and modified. 
e Algorithmic improvements should be investigated 
for individual modules govern the extraction, 
recognition and reconstruction phases. 
Armenakis, C., Cyr, L, Papanikolaou, E., 2002. Change 
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Dowman, L, 1998. Automated procedures for integration of 
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Gonzalez, R.C., Woods, R., 1993. Digital image processing, 
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The authors would like to acknowledge Iranian Remote 
Sensing Center (IRSC) for providing IKONOS image, 
furthermore much valuable help has been given by Mr. M. 
Talebzadeh the Deputy of IRSC through the provision of the 
IKONOS imageries, and National Cartographie center (NCC) 
for providing 1:1000 scale 3D digital maps of the test area. 

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