Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
classification with type2a image when spectral information 
almost is absent (the one band only), and classes textures are 
strongly marked. 
At the same time Figure 4 presents sufficient advantages of 
proposed complex nonparametric algorithm, which is based 
upon first-order Haralick texture characteristics and 
nonparametric optimization of feature space. 
Besides, the investigation on the basis of time series 
mutlispectral RS images for the Uymon steppe area are 
conducted. The spatial resolution of RS data is 30 meters. The 
major classes of the RS images are the agricultural land, 
bushes, water, and vegetation. 
a) b) c) 
Figure 5. Time series RS images from RESURS-OI 
Figure 6. The fragment of forecast map designed for 2001 by 
various techniques 
Figure 5 shows the time series RS mages for 1998, 1999 and 
2000. Figure 6 shows the fragments of forecast maps for 2001 
Obtained by three various techniques: a) by the traditional 
maximum likelihood classification without CA; b) by the 
traditional maximum likelihood classification and ordinary CA; 
€) by the proposed algorithms of advanced interpretation and 
enhanced TS analysis. 
Figure 6 shows that the best forecast map is in c) fragment. It is 
a less noisiness and it has more legible classes that could say 
about availability of the proposed algorithms for designing 
forecast maps. 
Permanent improving of comprehensive satellite systems allow 
to obtain more qualitative RS images of high resolution, which 
might be effectively used for designing of thematic and forecast 
maps. Increasing amount of information requires the 
specialized processing, RS and mapping software, forecasting 
land use/cover change models. 
The approach to the designing algorithms for advanced 
interpretation of RS images and on their basement including 
GIS designing forecast maps is developed in the paper. The 
proposed approach is based upon nonparametric statistical and 
ANN classification using spectral and spatial features. To make 
the forecasting more adequate it is proposed the approach with 
use of high-order Markov chains and CA with optimal 
neighborhood size. 
The preliminary investigation results conducted with use of 
model RS images and TS RS images for Uymon steppe area, 
show high efficiency of the proposed approach and availability 
of further research in that field. 
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Advanced Thematic Mapping Approach for Forecasting 
Landscape Change Using GIS. In: Proceedings of the 6th 
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N.G. Markov, A.A. Napryushkin, A.V. Zamyatin, E. V. 
Vertinskaya, 2003b. Adaptive Procedure of RS Images 
Classification with Use of Extended Feature Space. In: 
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4885, pp. 489-500. 
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characteristics of land use patterns, Computers, Environment 
and Urban Systems, in press. 
The authors are grateful for the support this research bv grant 
N903-07-90124 from Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 

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