Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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M. Oesterle *, M. Hahn ^ 
* State Authority of Land Consolidation and Land Development B-W, 70803 Kornwestheim, Germany - doesterle@t-online.de 
b Department of Geomatics, Computer Science and Mathematics, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Germany - 
michael. hahn@hft-stuttgart.de 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, Agriculture, Land Cover, Change Detection, GIS, High resolution 
The European Union (EU) grants financial aid to farmers, growing a certain kind of crops. In order to administrate and to control the 
farmers declarations, the EU decided to establish an Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) in 1992. Over the years it 
was found, that the declared areas often do not represent the reality. As a result, the process of declaration should be improved by the 
establishment of a Land Parcel ldentification System, preferably based on orthophotos. This identification system has to be 
developed and established before 1.1.2005 and has to be updated at least every five years. In this paper an updating process based on 
image classification and change detection is investigated. For this purpose the usefulness of the most common commercial high- 
resolution satellite systems as well as newly developed airborne camera systems is discussed. In order to get reliable information 
about agricultural parcels areas, the images have to be rectified. Problems in image rectification are outlined and a classification case 
study using the eCognition software shows chances and limits for land parcel update. 
Die Europäische Union (EU) gewährt Landwirten, die bestimmte Nutzungsarten anbauen finanzielle Unterstützung. Zur Verwaltung 
und Kontrolle der Anträge von Landwirten wurde aufgrund einer Entscheidung der EU im Jahre 1992 ein Integriertes Verwaltungs- 
und Kontrollsystem (InVeKoS) eingerichtet. Im Laufe der Jahre wurde festgestellt, dass die von den Landwirten beantragten Flächen 
oftmals nicht mit den Gegebenheiten in der Örtlichkeit übereinstimmen. Als Folge hieraus soll ein Identifizierungssystem für 
landwirtschaftliche Parzellen, vorzugsweise auf der Basis von Orthophotos aufgebaut werden. Dieses Identifizierungssystem soll bis 
zum 1.1.2005 im Einsatz sein und mindestens alle fünf Jahre aktualisiert werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das Potential 
hochauflósender flugzeug- und satellitengetragener Aufnahmesysteme diskutiert, wobei vor allem auch Probleme der Bildentzerrung 
besprochen werden. Die Möglichkeiten zur Aktualisierung der Parzellenkartierung innerhalb des Identifizierungssystems mittels 
Klassifizierung werden in einer Fallstudie untersucht. 
minimize these irregularities, a system supporting a farmer in 
identifying his parcels by visual inspection should be 
The European Union grants financial aid to producers of certain developed. This system could be based on a GIS, preferably 
kind of crop (Eur-Lex, 1999). In order to get this assistance, the using orthophotos. 
farmers have to declare their parcels area. These declarations The "references" of the Land Parcel Identification System varies 
have to be administrated and controlled. For these purposes an 
Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) was 
established in 1992 in a non-graphical version. 
The requirements on the IACS were expanded to graphical 
applications by regulation amendments. Nowadays the system 
shall comprise five elements (EUR-Lex, 1992): 
l. 'acomputerized database’ 
2. ‘an identification system for agricultural parcels' 
‘a system for the identification and registration of 
‘aid applications’ 
5. ‘an integrated control system’ 
The highlighted issue is the topic of this research. 
1.1 Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) 
After a couple of years of experience with IACS it was found, 
that the declared areas do often not correctly represent the real 
situation. This might either be deception or, more likely, caused 
by a lack of knowledge of the farmers or the fact that farmers do 
not seriously enough care about the real situation. In order to 
in the EU member states. A reference in this context is the unit a 
farmer declares. Generally there are three types of possible 
references: The cadastral plot, the agricultural parcel or the 
block. Common to all the three types of references is that 
1. TheLPIS has to be established, and 
2. it has to be maintained / updated. 
Figure 1. Cadastral plot (2); agricultural parcel (14); block (245) 
IF, for example, cadastral plots are used as references, it is most 
likely, that farmers got the information from sun eying and 
mapping authorities. Subsidies, however, will be paid on the 
basis of real field patterns only (indicated by white outlines in 
Figure 2). This will cause a problem with the controlling 
instance. if the declared cadastral area is too large. By providing 

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