Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV. Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
2.1 Test data 
To achieve reliable conclusions, high accuracy reference data is 
required. For one area of investigation, a triangulation was 
measured on an analytical plotter Wild S9 using 26 aerial 
images from 8 different strips. The acquired image coordinates 
of the control and tie points, measured according to the von 
Gruber distribution, then served as input data for the bundle 
adjustment package BUN. As a result, a o of 9.65 microns 
could be achieved for the processed subblock as global 
accuracy. Compared to the values we achieved for the two 
blocks of Palpa imagery (scale 1:7500), o» — 13.3 microns and 
oo = 9.5 microns, the global accuracy of 9.65 microns can be 
considered as a good result. 
The second test area consists of two trips with 26 and 28 
images, respectively. 
2.2 Z/l Image Station 
The workflow of automatical point measurements in Image 
Station Digital Mensuration (ISDM) is divided in two main 
parts: the relative orientation, where points are measured in 
stereo models, and multiphoto orientation, where points in more 
than two images can be measured. It is also possible to start 
with multiphoto orientation directly. The control points have to 
be measured manually in at least one image using the absolute 
orientation menu item, and can then also be transferred to other 
images using multiphoto orientation. 
Automated measurement of tie points for relative orientation 
requires initially manual measurement of two points in each 
stereo model before the automated process can be started 
successfully. The automated transfer of points between images 
of different strips is possible, and can be used to measure the tie 
points acquired during the relative orientation in corresponding 
images of the neighbouring strips. For the automated matching 
of both, relative orientation and multiphoto orientation, a patch 
size of 11x11 pixels was used, combined with a number of 5 
points maximum to be measured at each of the given 3 positions 
per image (6 per model). These positions follow the Gruber 
distribution, but can also be altered by the user to any other 
distribution. The correlation threshold, the value each 
measurement has to achieve to be accepted, was chosen to 0.95. 
After performing the automated measurement with these 
parameters in relative orientation mode, it could be observed 
that at each position at least onc point could be measured, 
usually more. Except for one model, the average parallaxes of 
the models were smaller than 10 microns. Afterwards, using the 
multiphoto orientation with automated point transfer, bundle 
adjustment could not be performed successfully due to the large 
parallaxes especially for points in the overlapping areas of strips 
measured in more than two images. The same effect occurred in 
a second effort with manually measured tie points for strip 
connection. To clarify the reason for this exactly, some more 
investigations have to be done. Better results were achieved 
triangulating the first two strips of 54 images of the Nasca 
block, where manually measured tic points were used for strip 
connection. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the automatically 
measured tie points. In this project, points at almost every given 
position could be matched although especially strip 2 contains 
predominantly desertous areas, while some images contain 
agricultural crop land, which also can be classified as lowly 
textured. The position where matching failed significantly is 
marked in figure 2. As a global accuracy, 21.1 microns could be 
achieved after bundle adjustment, which is less than scan pixel 
Figure 2: Distribution of automatically measured tie points 
3 y 
using strip 1 and 2 (54 images) 
2.3 Virtuozo 3.1 
The test concerning aerotriangulation was performed using 
Virtuozo 3.1. At IGP, a license including aerial triangulation is 
available only for this version. In Virtuozo 3.1, no manual 
measurements are required for the initialisation of the stereo 
models, but for tie points between the strips. In Virtuozo, like in 
Image Station, the user can influence the distribution of the tie 
point positions to be measured. Unlike in Image Station, 
Virtuozo supports Gruber and similar distributions and offers 
the user to choose the number of points to be measured at each 
position. Further parameters like mentioned above can not be 
changed. The result of the automated tie point extraction in 
Virtuozo (see figure) shows, that at several positions no tie 
points could be extracted. Performing bundle adjustment in 
PATB, a a, of 6.97 microns was achieved. This value can not 
be compared directly to the result obtained from the analytical 
plotter because it is too optimistic due to the fact, that only 
points of high quality are included into the bundle adjustment, 
the weak points are completely ignored at the positions where 
gaps occurred (figure 3). Thus, the calculated o» does not 
consider instabilities of relative orientations resulting from 
missing tie points. In figure 3, red ellipses point up the areas 
where a significant accumulation of gaps in the tie point 
distribution appeared, compared to the manually measured 
For the second subset of Nasca imagery, tie point extraction 
succeeded only for strip | although manual measurements for 
strip connection had been accomplished in each of the 
overlapping images. The mode for measurements of tie points 
for strip connection does not provide a zoom function, therefore 
the manual measurements were probably not exact enough for 
successful point matching. 
For this reason, no directly comparable results could be 
achieved for automatic aerotriangulation, the presented results 
can only be taken as preliminary results of qualitative character. 
In tl 
of 2 

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