Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

tanbul 2004 
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Inter. national Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Air photograph as S reference data(2000) 
SAR Original Image (1992.9) 
i © 
= x 
Nonstationary Change Area (1992-1998) 
Figure 6. Extraction of nonstationary change area by developed method 
Vegetation Data (1994) 
n > 
Land Use Change Area (1991-1997) 
Vegetation Change Area (1994-1999) 
Figure 7. Land use data and vegetation data 
In this case, analysis or research on campus conditions (e.g. 
land use surrounding the campus, environmental assessment, 
etc.) cannot be performed accurately until updating of the data 
(Le. land use data of 1997 and vegetation data of 1999) has 
occurred. This means that real-time evaluation is impracticable. 
This problem is referred to in problem (iii) in the Introduction. 
The method developed in this study can solve these problems to 
some extent, and improve the data accuracy over time, as noted 
in 3.1 above. 
3.3 Areas where change was detected only by the method 
developed in this study 
ea C is a group of paddy fields. The method developed in this 
study evaluated the change occurring after 1997 as a 
nonstationary change. However, the change in Area C went 
back into stationary change again after 1998. It is highly likely 
that Area C was a fallow paddy field. This does not mean that 
the detection was a failure, for it is still a nonstationary change 
in the land surface; although it is not a change of land use or 
change of vegetation. Although, there may be applicable uses in 
many policy making areas for utilizing such detection of 
nonstationary change among the land use. 

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