Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 200 
APP - AT1 APP - AT4b 
Mean 0.114 -0.071 0.084 0.140 -0.096 0.101 
St. Dev. 0.035 0.036 0.030 0.015 0.010 0.017 
Table VII. Statistical parameters of the comparison from the ortophotos for Catania project (in meters) 
results of the comparison between the coordinates of some 
points located over the APP orthophoto (fig. 6) with those of 
the same points derived from the orthophotos related to other 
two configurations; the average discrepancies are in the order of 
10 cm. 
Results obtained in both tests confirm precision and reliability 
of this innovative technique. The use of the direct 
georeferencing, also for production of digital large scale 
orthophotos, seems to insure geometric accuracy required by 
map standards. 
Several check were carried out comparing the exterior 
orientation parameters derived from GPS/INS sensor (APP) 
with those computed by AT according to different 
configurations; particularly the following configurations were 
considered: AT with APP data and tie points (AT1); traditional 
AT with tie-points and GCPs (AT2); AT with APP data, tie- 
points and 1 GCP (AT3a) or 4 GCPs (AT3b). Besides, for one 
of the two available flights, a calculation was done considering 
only the perspective centre position and a small number of 
GCPs, respectively 1 GCP (AT4a) and 7 GCPs  (AT4b). 
Discrepancies between these values and APP ones always result 
very small, both with regard to the perspective centres and the 
orientation angles. 
The accuracy of the different AT configurations was computed 
using some points surveyed by GPS method and employed as 
CPs in the AT procedures. The residuals are always resulted 
within geometrical tolerance required by National map 
standards for digital orthophotos produced at scale of 1:2000 
and 1:200. 
A final check was done comparing the othophotos produced 
from APP data with those related to ATI and AT2 
configurations for Palermo and ATI and AT4b configurations 
for Catania. The results show RMS in the order of few 
centimetres for both projects. 
Using direct exterior orientation parameters and some tie-points 
(ATI configuration) it is possible to get results equivalent to 
those obtained with use of some GCPs. However such 
procedure does not permit to check the presence of systematic 
or gross errors. The use of a certain number of CPs seems to be 
essential to control the geometric accuracy of data also with 
reference to national map standards. 
Cramer M., 2003. GPS/inertial and digital aerial triangulation — 
recent test results. In. Photogrammetric Week 2003, Fritsch 
(ed.), Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany , pp. 161-172. 
Cramer M., Stallmann D., 2003. On the use of GPS/inertial 
exterior orientation parameters in airborne photogrammetry. In 
Test Report and Workshop Proceedings, OEEPE Official 
Publication n. 43, pp. 109-120. 
Forlani G., Pinto L., 2002. Integrated INS/GPS systems: 
Calibration and combined block Adjustment. In Test Report and 
Workshop Proceedings, OEEPE Official Publication n. 43, pp. 
Galetto R., Casella V., 2003. An Italian national research 
project on inertial positioning in photogrammetry. In. 
Proceedings International Workshop WG1/5 “Theory, 
Technology and Realities of Inertial/GPS Sensor Orientation”, 
Barcellona, Spain. 
Galetto R., Casella V., 2004. Direct Georeferencing Activities 
in Italy. PE & RS, n. 1/2004. 
Heipke C., Jacobsen K., Wegmann H., 2002. Analysis of the 
results of the OEEPE test Integrated Sensor Orientation. In Test 
Report and Workshop Proceedings, OEEPE Official 
Publication n. 43, pp. 31-45. 
Mostafa M., Hutton J. 2001. Direct Positioning and 
Orientation Systems. How Do They Work? What is the 
Attainable Accuracy?. Proceedings ASPRS. 
http://www.applanix.com/html/gps inert resource.html 
(accessed April 2004) 
Jacobsen K., 2000. Potential and limitation of direct sensor 
orientation. In. /nternational Archives of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, Vol. XXXIII, Part. B3, Amsterdam, pp. 426- 
Jacobsen K., Wegmann H., 2002. Dependencies and problems 
of direct sensor orientation. In Test Report and Workshop 
Proceedings, OEEPE Official Publication n. 43, pp. 73-84. 
We would like to thank: 
- CGR from Parma, for the collaboration on the 
photogrammetric operations related to Catania project; 
- prof. Giuseppe Mussumeci, from the University of Catania, 
for the cooperation in the GPS survey. 
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