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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
etc. In. up-to-date catalogues; the names of new settlement
areas, the names of the villages and cities which were removed
from the settlement and all the changes of the names of urban
areas are offered to the users on various maps, graphs, plans and
documents. This data is generally in the form of attribute
information which has a complementary specification of an
existing GIS (Bank et.all, 1995).
2.13 Reports, Records and Documents
Other data resources which can be used in the creation of a GIS
are the documents and information resources which contain
several attribute data belonging to the topographic features. The
data resources included in this group are: the reports, records,
documents, some statistical data; some notes, papers and
information forms which are hold in doing the stereo
photogrammetric map compilation; the data collected by the
topographic map updating and completion, topographic
information plates; inventories, 3-dimensional coordinates
(X,Y,Z) and DEM files in ASCII format. The attribute data are
the secondary date resources (Bank et.all, 1995).
2.14 Existing Project Data From the
Governmental Organizations
Analogue or digital maps, graphic and thematic data registered
onto printed materials, some graphic and attribute data obtained
from the documents, reports, inventories, the records obtained
from the projects realized by the governmental organizations
can be additionally used in establishing of a GIS. The data
resources in this group are really easy to use and economic. The
availability of up-to-date, accurate, reliable graphic and non
graphic data has really a great importance. The project data in
digital form obtained from the governmental organizations can
be used directly in the GIS by applying for several
transformations. But, for the use of the graphic project data
produced in analogue form, it is necessary that these data
should be firstly digitized 2-dimensonally with a cartographic
digitization method in accordance with the kinds of available
data resources, and then the, 2-dimensional graphic data should
transformed to 3- dimensional data (Ozbalmumcu, 1999).
In order to create GIS data bases for different purposes, many
different data resources explained in detail in the article can be
used. These data resources are the terrestrial and aerial
photographs, satellite images, sensor data; printed
maps/plans/graphs, map printing plates, up-to-date
photogrammetric/topographic revision information plates; ortho
images, orthophoto maps, image maps; Digital Elevation
Models (DEM), Digital Terrain Models (DTM), existing digital
maps, Geographic Data Base (GDB) and Geographic
Information System (GIS) data; atlases, gazetteers records and
documents. Some of them (ex: printed maps, map printing
plates) are mainly used for the establishment of vector GIS data
bases, some of them (orthophotos, orthophoto mosaics) are
generally used for establishing of raster GIS data bases. Some
data resources are only used for the collection of graphic data
(ex: aerial photographs, satellite images), some of them are only
used for the collect of non-graphic information (ex: some
documents, reports, gazetteers, reports), a few of them are used
for the collection of both graphic and non-graphic data (ex:
printed maps, map printing plates) The basic concept in the
establishment of any GIS data base should be to use the most
reliable, up-to-date, accurate and appropriate data resources for
the final aim of the user.
References from Journals:
Baltsavias, E., P., 1993, Integration of Ortho-Images in GIS,
Photogrammetric Week'93, Stuttgart, Germany, pp.261-272.
Clauss, M., 1995, Demands on Electro-Optical Cameras for
Sensing and Mapping, Photogrammetric — Weck'95,
Fritsch/Hobbie (Eds.) September 1995, Stuttgart, Germany,
Gruen, A., 1998, Data Handling Il-Digital Terrain Models
Generation and Visualization Symposium on Digital
Photogrammetry, ITU, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.1-16.
OEEPE, 1991, Test on Orthophoto and Stereo Orthophoto
Accuracy, OEEPE Official Publication, No:25, May 1991,
Enschede, Netherlands.
References from Books:
Krauss, K., 1993, Photogrammetry Volume-1, Fundamentals
and Standard Processes, Fourth Edition, Ferd Dümmler Verlag,
Bonn, Germany.
Orüklü, E. 1988, Remote Sensing Notebook, Official
Publications of YTÜ, No:198, istanbul, Turkey (Turkish).
Wiley, J., 1986, Remote Sensing Methods and Applications,
References from Other Literature:
Alkis, A., Ozer, H., 1996, The Height Information Data Base for
the 3" Dimension in the GISs, CBS-96, Geographic Information
Systems Symposium, Yildiz Technical University (YTÜ)-
Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Istanbul, Turkey, pp.339-
. 341 (Turkish).
Bank, E., Ozbalmumcu, M., Tastan, H., Tekgül, A., 1995, A
Method Design for Updating and Revision of Digital Vector
Maps, the 100^ Year of Turkish Mapping History, The Paper
Book of TUJJB and TUFUAB Congresses, Ankara, Turkey,
Vol.4, pp.1230-1239 (Turkish).
Onder, M., 1997, Performing of Brief Evaluation About the
Contribution of the Satellite Images in the Topographical
Application and the Expectations in the Near Future, TUFUAB,
A Seminar of 3" Remote Sensing and Its Applications in
Turkey, 16-18 May 1997, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey,
Vol. VII, pp.27-41 (Turkish).
Ózbalmumcu, M., 1999, Investigation of Data Resources, Data
Collection Systems and Spatial Data Collection Methods Used
for the Creation of A Geographic Information System (GIS),
Ph.Thesis, 15 Nov 1999, YTU, istanbul, Turkey, pp.37-56