Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Features can be defined as discerned objects of interest that can 
be extracted in the working space. Therefore, features in a 
photogrammetric environment can be classified into image and 
object space features. The following subsections discuss the 
various types of features that can be found in the image and 
object space. 
2.1 Image Space Features 
[mage space is two-dimensional. Therefore, primitives that can 
be extracted from this space are either point, linear, or areal 
features. It can be argued that areal features are the most general 
features, because the image space can be classified into 
homogeneous areal features/regions without leaving anv part of 
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the space unclassified. Linear and point features can be 
considered as a subset of areal features whose dimension in one 
or two directions is negligible because of scale or application 
2.2 Object Space Features 
Object space is a three-dimensional space. Following the same 
line of thought in the previous section, one can consider 
volumetric features as the basis and most general primitives 
capable of representing the entire object space. However, 
appropriate object space features have to be based on the 
photogrammetric procedure of object space reconstruction. In 
photogrammetry, observing conjugate primitives in overlapping 
images is utilized to derive corresponding object space 
elements. The process usually starts by the extraction of image 
space primitives, either manually or automatically. Then, 
corresponding primitives need to be identified in overlapping 
images. Finally, geometric attributes of the imaging system, 
represented by the Interior and Exterior Orientation Parameters 
(IOP & EOP), as well as matched primitives are used in an 
intersection procedure to generate the corresponding object 
space. Therefore, suitable object space primitives are those that 
can be reliably extracted and matched in the input imagery. So 
far, photogrammetric object space reconstruction has been 
solely based on utilizing point and linear features. In other 
words, there has not been an established procedure for object 
space reconstruction using image space areal features. This 
leads us to conclude that point and linear features are the most 
suitable primitives for object space reconstruction from imagery 
and consequently they should be the chosen primitives. 
However, it should be noted that 3-D areal features (sometimes 
called surface patches) could be considered when implementing 
its dual representation, the bounding linear features. 
23 Linear Features for Photogrammetric Activities: Why? 
With the introduction and continuous evolution of digital 
photogrammetry as a result of the availability of high-resolution 
scanners and advances in digital image processing, automated 
procedures are becoming popular. However, most of these 
procedures are still point-based. Image processing techniques 
allow for the extraction of numerous points with lower quality 
than those selected manually. Moreover, automatic matching of 
the extracted points in overlapping images is complicated and 
often unreliable procedure due to variations in the imaging 
System's point of view and relief displacements in the image 
Space. Due to the above limitations, recent photogrammetric 
research has been focusing on the use of linear features. This 
line of research has been motivated by the following facts: 
e Image space linear features are casier to extract when 
compared to distinct points. This is attributed to the 
nature of linear features since they represent 
discontinuities in the grey value function in one 
direction. On the other hand, point features represent 
discontinuity in all directions. 
* Linear features in the image space can be extracted 
with sub-pixel accuracy across the direction of the 
* [Images of man-made environments are rich with 
linear features. 
e Linear features allow for the incorporation of areal 
features through the use of their boundaries. 
Moreover, linear features are easier to use in change 
detection applications than areal features. The 
superiority of linear features stems from the 
possibility of dividing them into smaller subsets. On 
the other hand, breaking areal features into smaller 
subsets is not a trivial task. 
e Mobile Mapping Systems (MMS) can economically 
provide accurate and current object space linear 
features in real time. 
e Linear features possess higher semantic information, 
which are desirable for subsequent processes (such as 
DEM generation, map compilation, and object 
recognition). On the other hand, it is hard to derive 
useful semantic information regarding the real world 
from distinct points. Moreover, geometric constraints 
are more likely to exist among linear features than 
points. This will facilitate subsequent automatic 
matching and object recognition activities. 
e Linear features increase the redundancy and improve 
the robustness and the geometric strength of various 
photogrammetric adjustment activities. 
Image space linear features can be either represented by an 
analytical function (e.g., straight-lines and conic sections) or by 
an irregular (free-form) shape. Among these representation 
alternatives, one can argue that straight-line features are 
appropriate for photogrammetric activities for the following 
e Man-made environments are rich with straight lines. 
e Straight lines are easier to detect and the 
correspondence problem between overlapping images 
as well as between the image and object space 
becomes easier. 
a Straight-line parameters can be obtained with sub- 
pixel accuracy. 
e Free-form linear features can be represented with 
sufficient accuracy as a sequence of straight-line 
segments (poly-lines). 
e Straight lines are valuable for the recovery of the IOP 
of frame cameras, where object space straight lines 
should appear as straight lines in the image space in 
the absence of distortions. Therefore, deviation from 
straightness in the image space can be attributed to 
distortions (eg, radial and de-centring lens 
e Straight lines are valuable for the recovery of the EOP 
of linear array scanners, where object space straight 
lines will not appear as straight lines in the image 
space due to perturbations (changes in the EOP) along 
the flight trajectory. 

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