Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
can be done in a number of ways; for instance, using a Bayesian 
approach (Z.Q. Liu, 1997), Dumpsters — Shater (G. Shater, 
1976), or fuzzy logic (J.C. Bezdek , 1999.). One technique that 
has enjoyed success in other vision applications is the use of 
fuzzy measures. In our approach, we follow this method. 
We first treat each property (information) as fuzzy variables 
and assign fuzzy density to all possible values. Fig.3 (a) is for 
property $1 , which is the minimum distance from the average 
color of the region to the prior-colors selected empirically, 
which most of building roofs would probably present. There is a 
reasonable hypothesis that most of build roofs are created with 
materials of limit categories, so they have limit kinds of color 
and texture. Fig.3 (b) and Fig.3 (c) are for properties #2 and 
$3 , which are the high mean absolute deviation and low mean 
absolute deviation of the histogram of curvatures. Fig.3 (d) is 
for property 94, which is the ratio of width over height of the 
region. We assert the two thresholds are 0.19 and 0.45 
respectively in our test. Fig.3 (e) is for property $5 , Which is 
the size of the rectangle. Most of the properties’ thresholds 
except $4 are adapted to the images to be processed; 
according to our experience, they are relatively common to the 
same batch of images. 
As a simple fuzzy integral, last decision is made by naively 
computing the average of the fuzzy density to all possible 
properties, and assert a threshold to determined "it is a building" 
or "it is not a building". 
Figure 4. One of tests in the images of Beijing, China 
As shown in Fig.4, we made some experiments on some color 
high-resolution images; it is one of the parts of an image of 
Beijing area. The red line rectangles are the parts identified as 
buildings by our algorithm. Verified in the available image 
samples, we achieve a right identify ratio lager than 75%. 
References from Journals: 
Eric N. Mortensen, 2001. A Confidence Measure for Boundary 
Detection and Object Selection. Proceedings of the 2001 1EEE 
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Z.Q. Liu, 1997. Bayesian paradigms in image processing. /nt. J 
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References from Books: 
G. Shafer, 1976. A Mathematical Theory of Evidence, Princeton 
University Press, Princeton, NJ. 
G.Wyszecki., 1982. Color Science: Concepts and Methods, 
Quantitative Data and Formulae. John Wiley and Sons, New 
York, NY. 
J.C. Bezdek, J.M. Keller, R. Krishnamupram, S.K. Pal, 1999. 
Fuzzy Models and Algorithms for Pattern Recognition and 
Image Processing. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA. 
Wilhelm  Klinggenberg, 1978. A Course In Differential 
Geometry. Springer-Verlag.pp.3. 
References from Other Literature: 
Grun A., O. Kubler, P. Agouris, 1995. Automatic Extraction of 
Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images, Virkhauser 
Verlag, Basel, pp. 199-210. 
Mark A. Ruzon, 1999. Color Edge Detection with the Compass 
Operator. Computer Science Department Stanford University 
Stanford, CA 94305. 
Robert W. Carroll. Report of Detecting Building Changes 
Through Imagery And Automatic Feature Processing. Hitachi 
Software Global Technology, Ltd.10355 Westmoor Drive, Suite 
250 Westminster, Colorado 80021 303-466-9255, 
References from websites: 
Monge Patch, Mathworld, USA ; 
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MongePatch.html (accessed 22 
Apr .2004) 
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