Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
r P 
dd 2 
NASA-NOAA study (Mondello et al., 2004) which states 
"There is a trend toward higher resolutions and accuracies as 
many users are presently faced with using data which do not 
comply with their requirements, either because these data are 
not present or too expensive". This report clearly indicates an 
inadequate evolution of the EO market: that there is a larger 
demand than what the EO market offers for data with sub-meter 
spatial resolution while a clear surplus is observed for data 
offering spatial resolution lower than 10 m (mostly satellite 
data) The same trend V is reported with respect to both 
positional and elevation precision (insufficient data with 
precision higher than 1.5 meter and too much data with lower 
Typically the high accuracy, high resolution data can be found 
in aerial RS data, while the low accuracy, low resolution data 
originate from satellite observations. Since 2000 several high 
resolution satellite data are available (e.g. IKONOS) and 
reasonably priced but satellite data suffer from a lack of 
positional and vertical accuracy. They are also limited in their 
timely availability due to their orbital movement. 
3.1 Carrier 
A HALE UAV that is capable to act as a “very low-orbit” 
satellite by remaining in free airspace above 14 km (46 000 
feet) for months should resolve the inherent drawbacks of both 
aerial and satellite platforms. Working with a constellation of 
HALE UAVs will combine only the advantages of both 
After a history of some 15 years, these UAVs are now 
becoming generally available, especially as energy-storage and 
solar cells technology have improved significantly during the 
last years. UAVs can either be aircraft or balloons (blimps). 
Balloons have a far higher payload capacity and a longer 
station-keeping ability but will not be commercially available 
within the next 5 to 7 years. Aircraft on the other hand are now 
already available and their capabilities will only improve in the 
close future. 
Both NASA, through the Environmental Rescarch Aircraft and 
Sensor Technology (ERAST) program, and recently ESA and 
the US MoD (Ministry of Defence) have issued studies or 
ordered solutions for unmanned acrial vehicle with a prolonged 
stay (months or even years) at stratospheric altitudes (between 
12 and 25 km) (Erast, 2004; Heliplat, 2000: Küke, 2000). 
As an example, in 2003 a 40 MS contract was awarded by the 
Missile Defense Agency (USA) to Lockheed Martin to deliver 
a prototype of a High Altitude Airship by 2006 (Dell, 2003). 
This platform should be able to carry a payload of 1 800 kg at 
an altitude of 20 km and to deliver 10 kW electric power for the 
payload. The dimensions of the airship arc estimated at 152 m 
length, 49 m diameter and a volume of 480 000 m°. 
Another example is the Helios-ERAST solar flying wing that 
set a world altitude record for non-rocket powered aircraft in 
2001 by flying up to 96 863 ft (29 523 m). In the UK, QinetiQ 
worked out the Zephyr aircraft (figure 1. Bermyn et al., 2004). 
In this concept, the aircraft has been designed to provide 
immediate access to free airspace for prolonged time periods 
with a limited payload, at least in the first phase. The current 
design calls for a wingspan of approximately 15 m, a payload of 
2 kg and 1 kW electrical power for the payload. In 2004 several 
test flights are planned while a 3 weeks continuous test period is 
foreseen in 2005. The roadmap of this aircraft allows for an 
upscaling of the wingspan up to 30 m with a 30 kg payload by 
2005/6 and larger wingspan and payload in the following years. 
Figure 1. Artist impression of the Zephyr, a light weight HALE 
The Zephyr already complies with present UAV flight 
regulations and can thus be used immediately. Vito intends 
therefore to use this aircraft in the framework of the 
PEGASUS-project to deliver high accuracy and high resolution 
earth observation data with a high updated rate, and that not 
only for Flanders but by extension in the whole of Europe. 
3.2 Instruments 
Based on the requirements of the market and keeping in mind 
the present limitations on the weight and power consumption of 
the payload, the following instruments are being designed or are 
currently under construction : 
- a multispectral camera by 2005, 
- an aerial laserscanner by 2006, 
- a thermal camera by 2006, and 
-amini-SAR by 2007. 
It is the intention to provide imagery that is comparable m 
quality to present-day digital aerial cameras. The basic 
requirements arc summarized in Table 2. 
Flying altitude 12-20 km 
Ground resolution 20 cm (at 20 km) 
Spectral resolution I0 nm 
# spectral channels Initially 4, extensible to 10 
# pixels per line 12000 — 30000 
Image update At least 100 Hz 
Planimetric accuracy Better than 15 cm 
Data transfer rate « 40 Mbit/s RT 
Continuous use on daily basis | 8 h at equinox 
Weight <2kg 
Table 2. Basic requirements of the multispectral digital camera. 
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