Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Other maps were scanned with AQ scanner and on-screen 
digitizing was done using AutoCAD Overlay. AO and A3 
printers on line with Pentium IV were used for graphics and 
data processing. 
Other software were used in this project: Arc View 3.1, ArcGIS 
8.1 for creation of a relational GIS database, Microsoft Excel 
for relational tabular data, and Microsoft Word for processing, 
editing and display of textual data. The tabular and textual data 
were finally exported to Arc View GIS environment. 
Ulead Media Studio Pro 5 and Microsoft Windows Media 
Player were used in this project to convert recorded sound to 
wave files and scanned images, text and pictures into video 
clips. Video clips directly recorded using the Digital Video 
Camera were downloaded using ULEAD VIDEOSTUDIO 
Version 5.0 and Windows Movie Makers with a FIREWIRE 
1394 adapter, into the Pentium IV 2.4GHz Computer equipped 
with a microphone where the relational GIS database was 
created. Video clips with sound were hot-linked with the other 
types of data in the Arc View GIS environment using Arc View 
Script files, thereby creating a multimedia GIS database for 
tourism in Nigeria. The capabilities of other multimedia 
software such as Macromedia Flash 4, Animator Designer 3, 
Dream Weaver 3, and Fireworks 3 are being fully investigated 
to assess their efficiency for Multimedia GIS Application. 
(Ayeni et. al (2003)) 
3.3 Multimedia GIS Database 
There are two basic approaches to creating a multimedia GIS 
Database viz "multimedia in GIS" approach in contrast to “GIS 
in Multimedia” Schneider (1999). It is difficult to integrate GIS 
functions into multimedia. Therefore, the first approach was 
adopted for this research, because of its simplicity and user- 
friendly nature. 
The procedure for developing a GIS Database may be 
summarized as follows: 
> Conversion of analogue map to digital format using 
two methods described in section 3.2 and creation of 
shape files. 
= Creation of relational tabular database with their 
attributes and hotlinking with shape files in Arc View 
GIS environment. 
» Creation of GIS database for 
capabilitics for queries. 
» Conversion of recorded digital photographs and video 
clips and sound to wave files and to AVI format. 
> Linking multimedia files to files in GIS database. 
All the constituents of the multimedia GIS database are 
depicted in fig. 2. 
Tourism with 
Fig. 3 illustrates the various outputs, which were generated 
from the multimedia GIS database for Tourism Industry in 
Nigeria. The outputs from the multimedia GIS database include 
the following — 
e Maps, graphics, pictures and video clips about 
tourism interests, which were printed on an online 
A3 Cannon Printer or A0 HP 800 Design Jet printer. 
e Multimedia Atlas of Tourism in Nigeria in 
analogue and digital format. 
* Digital Library of Tourism in Nigeria showing 
the status of major tourist interests and publications 
on tourism. 
e Encyclopedia of Tourism in Nigeria in Digital 
and Analogue format. 
* A user-friendly Multimedia GIS database, which 
can lead a tourist to his destination of interest in 
Nigeria. The database can be subjected by the user 
to dynamic multimedia spatial and aspatial queries 
using SQL. The database is a potent tool for tourism 
Fig. 4 shows the map of Nigeria with 36 states and Abuja 
Federal Capital Territory (FCT). A click on any of the 
states or Abuja opens up a wealth of tourism information 
and their locations as shown in Table I from Abuja. The 
information may also be tabular text, imagery, moving 
picture, sound ctc. about the state. Fig. 5 shows the map 
of Abuja. A click on a menu will show some multimedia 
files on tourism. 
The Multimedia GIS database for tourism is a veritable 
tool for attracting indigenous and foreign investors to 
contribute to the economic development of Nigeria, apart 
from making access to tourism information easy to both 
Nigerians international travelers. It is therefore 
recommended that a multimedia GIS database for tourism 
should be made available on the websites of the Nigerian 
government and those of tourists and travel agents. 
Financial support for this research obtained from the 
Nigerian University Commission through the University of 
Lagos central research committee is gratefully 
Ayeni O.O., Ikwuemesi G. (2002) "Developing A GIS 
Database for Tourism in Nigeria” Proceedings 4" 
international conference, African Association of Remote 
Sensing of the environment. 
Ayeni O.O., Saka D.N. and Yakubu (2003) “Application 
of Multimedia GIS to Tourism in Abuja and Environs” 
Proceedings 1% AGA/Conference of Geoinformation 
Society of Nigeria, Nov. 2003. 
Nigeria Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) 
(2001). Nigerian Tourism volume 1, no. 2. 
Schneider, B. (1999) "Integration of Analytical GIS- 
functions in Multimedia Atlas Information Systems", 
Proceedings, 19" International Conference of ICA, 

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