Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
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Fig. 8 — A complex path surveyed by BT-GPS EMTAC 
Another activity, that engaged the research group, was the 
creation of geographical database to use in the pocketPc, with 
the aim to integrate geographical information with multimedia 
This activity has been carried out referring to Solunto layout 
(the same considerations may be done for other sites with 
hippodamian plan). 
Fig. 9 — The general plan of Solunto 
Solunto, that gained in the 4" century B.C. the layout as today 
seen, was built on the east side of Catalfano Mountain looking 
the sea, in an area strongly sloping towards East direction, from 
an altitude of 230 m to an altitude of 150 m above sea level. 
The layout of So/unto is defined by main streets going from N- 
E to S-W (large 6.50-8.00 meters) intersecting less important 
street (large 3.00-5.80 meters), this last ones oriented about the 
maximum sloping, and so consisting very oflen in stairs (Fig. 9 
and Fig. 10). 
The blocks, defined by this layout, have a rectangular shape of 
40x80 m about, organized in different levels, with smaller side 
looking towards main streets. 
Going along main street it is possible to see (in ordered 
I. alittle block hosting thermal baths; 
2. residential blocks, whose houses become more 
important going towards public area (atriums and 
3. public area where are the remains of sacred buildings, 
of agora, of a theatre, of a little bouleuterion, of a 
gvmnasium and of a collective tank. 
- The layout of Solunto 
F ig. 10 
Probably. in the area over the theatre — where many un- 
identified structures exist — would be the acropolis . 
An area with buildings of mixed typology (houses and 
craftsmen shops), is located next to a street over the main street 
and parallel to this last. 
The navigation on each archaeological site, by the multimedia 
navigation software, requires the creation of a GIS for every 
The GIS data, of Solunto site, where organized in a hierarchical 
way about levels, themes and classes. 
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Fig. 11 — The main arcas of Solunto 
On the basis of the study carried out, the site has been divided 
in five main areas (Fig. 11): 
A) public area; 
B) thermal baths area; 
C) wealthy people houses; 
D) craftsmen blocks; 
E) popular houses blocks. 
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