Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Department Activity 
Preparing zoning plan form 
Making zoning plan 
Evaluating zoning plan modification 
In Turkey, the traditional governments have many problems 
that stem from both insufficient and improper use of ICT. 
"Insufficient use" refers to the traditional means such as manual 
archiving systems. "Improper use", on the other hand, refers to 
Zoning Plan 
I the lack of an interoperability infrastructure within and among Office suggestions 
the government agencies. In this work, a number of such (ZPO) Giving construction permit 
; problems have been identified for the Municipality of Trabzon Making building control 
in Turkey. Although they have been determined for a Giving building usage permit 
municipality, they are also valid for such sectors as G2G, G2C, Making base maps 
and G2B in the Country. World Bank (2002) has also identified M Determining district boundary 
similar problems for many developing and even developed SMOD apd, Determining street and alley 
| countries around the World. To identify these problems, some CS re Creating buildings table 
of the activities of the Zoning Plan Office, and Map and 
| Cadastre Office of the Municipality were closely investigated 
(Figure 1, Figure 2). The selected activities were the ones that 
Preparing expropriation maps 
Implementing zoning plan applications 
Due to the | valve sti dam and A er ei dije 
ty and high Dole Spat data and are fot characteristic within the Auto-Control: The lack of auto-control mechanisms is the 
operability context of e-municipality or e-government (Table 1). Identified direct result of improper use of ICT. One of the most striking 
generation problems were classified under five different though side effects of this problem is high economical losses. There are 
ns that are 
using any 
they have 
b services, 
evenues in 
y activities 
°d some of 
(b services 
interrelated categories. These are the lack of auto-control 
mechanisms, high economical losses, high cost of services, 
poor service quality, and low efficiency. These problems are 
briefed below. 
Map and Cadastre Office (MCO) 
Data Numerating | |Expropriation| | Zoning Plan Dimensional 
Processing Service Service Application Drawing 
Service (DPS (NS) (ES) Service (ZPAS)||Service (DDS) 
many examples of economical losses due to the lack of auto- 
control. One of them is experienced in real estate tax collection. 
Different studies report %70-90 outages in real estate taxes. As 
a remedy, the author of this paper have already proposed and 
implemented a system called REIS (Real Estate Tax 
Information System), which would be a very important 
component of the e-municipality (Comert, Akinci, 2002). 
Another side effect of auto-control is the risk of using outdated 
data in applications and thus obtaining undesired results. The 
current system does not have a legal mandate to update the 
data. Actually, an interoperability infrastructure, which would 
facilitate the updates, is not in place. Therefore, updating is 
either neglected or addressed by auxiliary archiving 
mechanisms. For instance, in case of revisions to a zoning plan, 
Ej the plan has to be redrawn by the law. But since this is not 
practical it is not applied in practice. Instead, revisions are just 
noted on the related parcel of the plan by the date and number 
of the related archive file. It is very difficult to trace such 
modifications in manual archiving systems considering 
especially very high pace of the large municipalities such as 
Istanbul. Therefore the risk of running into conflicts between 
the plan and the archive files will always be there yielding 
eventually undesired results in such applications as "zoning 
plan form preparation" where the currency of the data is 
ition of Web- 
services are 
tions that are 
andards, Web 
ons using any | 
ige (Barefoot, 
ssible through | 
yws users to 
imple request 
Figure 1. Map and Cadastre Office and its subunits 
| Zoning Plan Office (ZPO) | 
002). 7P Drawıng | TModifcarion PRE rc Building Finally, a crucial aspect of auto-control is the corruption. It has 
Service Service Control Permission Usage a high priority in World Bank (2002) as well. Auto-control will 
> potentials of (DS) (MS) Service(BCS)| |Service(BPS)]| |Service(BUS) enable mechanisms to fight with corruption. 
lity. For this 
: municipality 
lems of the 
veloped. and | 
ve concluded 
-municipality | 
'ipality share 
of this work 
Efficiency: Due the traditional ways of doing things, the pace 
of activities is rather slow. By traditional ways we mean 
manual archives, manual procedures, visual analyses. 
traditional ways of interoperability, and finally requesting data 
from the citizens, which is already under responsibility of some 
government agency or municipality department. There are 
many examples to this issue. A characteristic example is the 
preparation of zoning plan forms, which will be mentioned 
below. Low efficiency may have a negative impact on the 
economy since it may postpone transforming resources to the 
| economy. Consider how the time 10 get a building permit will 
Figure 2. Zoning Plan Office and its subunits 

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