Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Table 2. Some Web services and their servers designed for ZPO 
and MCO activities 
Unit Web Services Server 
etZoningPlanBlockID ZPO 
zetZoningPlanBlock ZPO 
vectorSuperimpose ZPO 
getParcelZoningPlan ZPO 
getZoningPlanBlockAttributes | ZPO 
DAL etZoningPlan ZPO 
gone pian getLimitations ZPO 
(Z PO) getArchitecturalProject ZPO 
getConstructionPermit ZPO 
getParcelGeometry CO 
getCadastralMap CO 
getParcelCoordinates CO 
etParcelAttributes LTO 
getParcelAttributesMap LTO 
getBaseMap MCO 
getClipedBaseMap MCO 
vectorSuperimpose MCO 
getDistrictBoundaryPlan MCO 
getStreetAndAlleyPlan MCO 
Map and Cadastre | getParcelGeometry CO 
Office getCadastralMap CO 
(MCO) getParcelCoordinates CO 
getControlPointCoordinates Co 
getControlPointSketch CO 
etParcelAttributesMap LTO 
getParcelAttributes LIO 
getBuildingAttributes LTO 
es for ZPF 
À highlighting example of the implemented services is the 
getParcelZoningPlan service, which generates a Zoning Plan 
Form (ZPF). ZPFs are one the most popular documents due to 
the fact that they are the very first step of many activities. For 
instance, obtaining a ZPF is the first step in getting a building 
permit. ZPFs are given by the Zoning Plan Offices (ZPO) of 
municipalities upon the request of the “interested” which might 
be citizens, government agencies, private sector, or 
municipality departments. For the sake of clarity, it is assumed 
here that the requestor is the citizen. 
A ZPF geometrically shows the location of a land parcel in 
relation to the zoning plan, and includes construction conditions 
of the zoning plan block that covers the parcel. In other words, 
a ZPF includes both graphics and text data. Graphics data 
comes from the cadastral map and the zoning plan while text 
data comes from the zoning plan and land title data. Laying out 
a ZPF, involves bringing all these data together. In Turkey, 
these data are maintained by different government and 
municipality offices. Cadastral and Land Title data are under 
the responsibility of Cadastre Offices (CO) and Land Title 
Offices (LTO), which are separate Central Government 
organizations. Zoning plan data is handled by the ZPO of the 
municipalities. Hence, getParcelZoningPlan is a service of 
ZPO and gets its data [rom different servers through related 
Web Services. The user or the officer in ZPO will initiate this 
service from his Internet browser. A brief explanation of what 
happens then is given below: 
l. A user sends a parcel's RealEstatelD using a HTML 
Form. getParcelZoningPlan Web service invokes 
getParcelGeometry Web service in CO server using 
RealEstatelD. getParcelGeometry returns an array 
that includes parcel's vertice coordinates, and 
bounding box coordinates. 
getParcelZoningPlan Web service invokes the 
getZoningPlanID Web service in ZPO server using 
parcel's bounding box coordinates. Thus, we find the 
zoning plan's ID(s) that cadastral parcel is located. 
3. getParcelZoningPlan Web service invokes the 
getZoningPlanBlock Web service using parcel's 
vertice coordinates. This service takes vertice 
coordinates and finds zoning plan block ID(s) using 
java.awt.Polygon class. Then, it creates an array that 
includes block ID(s) and coordinates. 
4. getParcelZoningPlan Web service invokes the 
vectorSuperimpose Web service. It takes two arrays 
that include cadastral parcel, and zoning plan block(s) 
as input parameters, and creates a GML file. Then, 
transforms result map from GML to SVG. 
getZoningPlanBlockAttributes Web Service is called. 
It returns an array that includes zoning plan block's 
6. The getParcelAttributes Web service is called. It 
returns an array that includes parcel's attributes. 
Finally, ZPF is prepared using all returned data by web 
services, and sent back to the user in the form HTML (Figure 
5). How a citizen gets a ZPF in the web services scenario is as 
given below: 
1. The citizen goes to the ZPO officer as for a ZPF in a 
short time. He does not have to actually go to the 
municipality; He can make this request over the 
2. ZPO officer initiates getParcelZoningPlan Web 
service from his Internet browser. 
3. The getParcelZoningPlan calls other Web services to 
get the ZPF done. These services get the needed data 
on-line from the remote databases that are Cadastre, 
Land title, ZPO databases. The services do also the 
necessary processing. 
4. The officer takes ZPF output from his printer and 
submits it to the citizen. 
If there is no problem with the communication lines, getting a 
ZPF would take seconds or minutes. This is a great 
improvement compared with the traditional way. Therefore, we 
can say that Web services provide solutions to the 
aforementioned problems of the traditional system. Figure 4, 
illustrates the workflow of getParcelZoningPlan service as an 
UML sequence diagram. 

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