Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
can be used by both desktop and web based applications, one 
can see that the role of the description, discovery and 
invocation of a web service is equally important to the service 
2.3 GIS Web Services 
Geographic Information Science has a lot to benefit by the 
adoption of the service computing model. As mentioned also in 
the introduction geographic information comes from different 
and diverse sources and in different formats. This is especially 
true for the environmental related information which has to 
combine not only data form different sources but also models 
and software. The GIS web services initiative is mainly driven 
by the Open GIS Consortium (OGC) (OGC, 2004). OGC has 
provided specifications for many web based applications like 
the OpenGIS Web Map Server and data descriptions like GML 
(Geography Markup Language). But this only makes the 
integration easier. GIS web services require the use of 
technologies described in section 2.2 in order to become truly 
available to users. 
Environmental monitoring applications in particular, like the 
one described in this paper, are extremely suitable to be 
developed under the web services model. These applications are 
based upon the availability of large volumes of data sets in the 
form of both a large enough number of satellite images, each 
one having a size of several megabytes, and a number of 
intermediate images produced by the specific algorithms used. 
In a application developed under the traditional software model, 
one (but everyone) would have been obliged either to download 
and keep all these data in the local machine (in the case of a 
desktop application) or use a web-based application with a more 
or less restricted functionality. 
Considering vegetation as a functional equivalent of terrestrial 
ecosystems, it follows that changes in vegetation structural 
dynamics provide important indications for physical process in 
space and time. A widely used parameter to investigate 
vegetation conditions is the Normalized Difference Vegetation 
Index (NDVI), which uses the strong reflection of living 
vegetation in the near infrared region of the electromagnetic 
spectrum and the relatively low reflection in the visible red 
wavelength (Lillesand & Kiefer, 1987). Thus, the NDVI is the 
difference of near-infrared (NIR) and visible (VIS) reflectance 
values, derived from multispectral satellite images, normalized 
over the sum of the respective image channels: (NIR- 
VISJ(NIR-VIS). Several works have processed and made 
available global or regional NDVI data sets for subsequent use, 
either directly in modelling applications or in studies to extract 
land cover information (Los et al., 1994; Sellers et al., 1994; El 
Saleous et al., 2000). 
3.1 Satellite images 
The AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) 
onboard NOAA satellites is a radiation detection imager that 
can be used for remotely determining the vegetation status of 
the earth surface (Cracknell, 1997). AVHRR was a 4-channel 
radiometer, first carried on TIROS-N (1978). This was 
subsequently improved to a 5-channel instrument (AVHRR/2) 
that was initiallv carried on NOAA-7 (1981). The latest 
instrument version is AVHRR/3, first carried on NOAA-I5 
(1998). AVHRR/3 records the incoming radiation in 6 spectral 
bands: 0.580 - 0.680 um (Channel 1), 0.725 — 1.100 pm 
(Channel 2), 1.580 — 1.640 um (Channel 3A), 3.550 — 3.930 um 
(Channel 3B). 10.300 - 11.300 um (Channel 4) and 11.500- 
12.500 pm (Channel 5). Channels 1 and 2 are the VIS and NIR 
chnnels, respectively, whereas both 4 and 5 are thermal infrared 
(TIR) channels. Each AVHRR pass provides a 2399 Km wide 
swath with a ground resolution of 1.1 Km at nadir from the 
nominal orbit altitude of 833 Km. 
NOAA satellites orbit the Earth 14 times per day. The AVHRR 
provides on board collection of data from all spectral channels. 
These data are coded in 10 bits and transmitted to ground 
receiving stations. The FORTH (Foundation for Research and 
Technology - Hellas) ground receiving station provides all 
required data to the developed GIS web services. FORTH 
station carries the advantage of near real time AVHRR image 
acquisition from NOAA 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 satellites. All 
images used by the GIS web services are pre-processed using 
station’s capabilities (Dartcom, 2002). Pre-processing includes 
the following three steps: a) Polar navigation and re-projection 
toa 1.1 x 1.1 Km cell grid (Hugget and Opie, 2002). b) Subset 
and conversion to a S-layer raster with no change to the original 
pixels! Digital Numbers (DN). c) Export to the application's 
3.2 The NDVI algorithm 
The NDVI is calculated for cloud free land areas taking into 
account the received radiation in AVHRR channels | and 2: 
Nols nme Champ 
Eq.(1) produces values in the range of -1 to 1, where increasing 
positive values indicate increasing green vegetation and 
negative values indicate non-vegetated 'surface features. 
AVHRR channels 1, 2 and 5 used by the NDVI algorithm. 
Channels | and 2 are used to implement Eq. (1), whereas 
channels 1 and 5 are used for cloud masking. 
In practice, the NDVI algorithm consists of the following steps: 
a) Calibration of channels I, 2 and 5 to convert pixel's 
DN to radiance values (Wm um’ 'sr™'), using the pre- 
launch calibration coefficients issued by NOAA 
(Kidwell, 1998; Goodrum et al., 2000). 
b) Production of a cloud mask (Chrysoulakis and 
Cartalis, 2002). 
c) Production of an intermediate NDVI image using the 
Eq. (1). 
d) Production of the final NDVI image combining steps 
b) and c). 
3.3 The Implementation of the NDVI algorithm 
The implementation of each algorithm step is performed by a 
different module of a Java-based in house software. In 
particular, each module consists of one or more programme 
classes, which have been designed using the  Java2 
programming language. AVHRR image manipulation is 
achieved with the use of the immediate mode imaging model of 
Java 2D API (Application Programming Interface.), which is a 
set of classes for advanced two-dimensional graphics and 

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