Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV. Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
computing (P2P) that permits personal computers or 
workstations to communicate directly with one another, 
without a server (McCarty B,1999). The difference between 
P2P computing and the distributed architecture is that P2P can 
allow only one-to-one or one-to-many communication. A fully 
distributed GIService architecture has to permit many-to-many 
communications among computers; and here lies a current 
technical barrier to be overcome. 
| Client/Server 
Distributed GIS 
Figure 2: Distributed architecture 
According to the ideal conceptual model that support "geodata 
anywhere, geoprocessing anywhere", the geodata and 
geoprocessing functions could be distributed in different sites 
(Yuan S., 2000).The following gives the possibilities of 
distribution (P) of the geodata and geoprocessing tools in one 
location, no matter it is at a client site or at a server site. Let D 
represent geodata, and F indicate geoprocessing tools 
Using the following notations: 
D: of geodata, 
F: geoprocessing tools, 
null: none of geodata or geoprocessing tools. 
Then, we have: 
D = {D, null} and F = {F, null} 
p=D F={{(D,F){nulL F). (D, null } ‚€ null, null 33 561) 
(null, null ) Only exist at the client side, which means that 
neither geodata nor geoprocessing tools exist at the client side. 
The client in the typical client/server GIS model fit this case. 
(D , F ) Typically exist at the server side in an typical 
client/server GIS architecture, which means that all geodata and 
gcoprocessing functions are provided by the server. Since the 
server has everything (see the (null, null) case). Standalone GIS 
systems also fit this case. 
(null, F ) The site has. all geoprocessing components but none 
of geodata. The geodata are separated from the gcoprocessing 
and distributed in other places. 
(D , null) This may probably exist as a data center. 
Geoprocessing may be provided by other sites. 
Based on the mentioned possibilities in distribution of 
resources and components, there are various ways which can be 
considered. Some of them have been implemented in various 
industries and businesses. 
Due to previos section the (null;null) and (D.F) possibilities are 
equivalent ,because (null,null) manner only exist on client side 
and (D,F) manner only exist on server side. But the others two 
manner may exist on client or server side. 
Two network strategies can support dynamic configuration of 
distributed GlServices (Tsou, M. and Buttenfield. B.P.,2003). 
The first strategy is object migration. where data or programs 
move from one node to another. The transferred data may or 
may not be deleted on task completion. In the second strategy, 
remote connection establishes a communication channel 
between two nodes, allowing data and services to be shared 
across the channel. Either can be applied to distribute geodata 
objects or GIS software components. Although the network 
technologies used in object migration and remote connection 
are quite different, the goal is the same, that is, utilizing 
available computing resources across networks. To distribute 
geodata objects dynamically (Figure 3). the objects can be 
shared or copied to a requesting node. To share objects, the 
network strategy used is remote connection to establish a link 
between distributed databases. The connection is established 
using SQL through Application Programming Interfaces 
(APIs), such as JDBC. ODBC or OLE DB. The second 
approach (object migration) utilizes an FTP protocol to actually 
move the data object and save it on the requesting node's local 
disk. Data migration may require both automated and manual 
procedures for download and format conversion. Similarly, 
either network strategy can distribute GIS software components 
dynamically (Figure 4). GIS operators may be invoked 
remotely, using Remote Procedure Calls. Other protocols are 
also possible, such as Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (1IOP) or 
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Technology 
frameworks that currently support this approach include 
DCOM, CORBA and Java RMI. It works as follows. A GIS 
application sends a request to local component services (that is, 
a service directory local to the node). The local service will use 
its client stub to build a connection with another node’s (server) 
Skeleton. The nodes temporarily adopt client and server roles to 
accomplish the connection. The server-side completes services 
then launch the required GIS component. This scenario 
assumes that the service is not locally available, and that the 
service directory can point to another node where the service 
actually resides. 
Figure 3: Two types of network connection for GIS software 
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