Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
In Thun, the colour orthoimages were produced by swisstopo 
from aerial images of scale 1:16,000 using the DHM25. The 50- 
cm orthoimage is part of the nationwide dataset Swissimage 
(produced from 1:30,000 imagery with 15 cm lens) with a 
planimetric accuracy of about 1 m. The images for 20 cm and 
60 cm were taken in spring 2003, and for 50 cm in summer 
1998. An orthoimage created from ADS40 summer images 
using the DHM25 is also available. Due to weaknesses in the 
control point distribution and the bundle adjustment of the 
ADS40 images, a discrepancy between the ADS40 orthoimage 
and the 20cm orthoimage has been observed. A non-exhaustive 
comparison with manually selected feature points shows that 
the discrepancy varies between 0 and 80 cm. However, smaller 
differences also exist between the 1998 and 2003 aerial film 
orthoimages, caused by errors in the sensor orientation. Thus, 
the real accuracy of road extraction in image space is higher 
than the accuracy values derived from comparison between 
datasets (incl. the reference data), which have varying 
orientation errors. 
Thun Geneva 
Area (sq. km) 2.66 * 2.68 4.38 * 3.0 
Height range (m) | 560 ~ 2200 375 — 1200 
Open rural, Open rural, 
Villages, Several villages, 
Landscape Many small Forest, 
settlements Large fields with 
bare soil 
aerial film (50cm) 
Quickbird PSM 
aerial film 
(20cm, 50cm, 60cm) 
Imagery type 
pixel size) 
ADS40 (30cm) 
Table 1. Test site description and image specifications. 
Figure 1. Overview of test sites: (a) Thun, (b) Geneva. 
The Geneva test site (Fig. 1b) is near the city of Geneva, 
containing several larger villages, forest and a river. Another 
difference to the Thun site is that the scene contains grasslands 
and large fields of bare soil. In addition, many road-like lines 
are observed in the fields. The aerial orthoimage came from the 
Swissimage dataset. IKONOS and Quickbird images were also 
acquired in May 2001 and July 2003 respectively. The 
pansharpened (PSM) orthoimages of IKONOS and Quickbird 
were produced by a software system developed at IGP using a 
2-m grid laser DTM with 0.5-m accuracy and had a planimetric 
accuracy of 0.5-0.8 m, estimated using 20-50 check points 
measured in 25-cm orthoimages of the Canton Geneva, 
produced using the same laser DTM (however with 1m grid 
spacing) and with ca. 0.5-m planimetric accuracy). 
The reference data for the Thun and Geneva test sites were 
measured manually, by swisstopo in 20-cm pixel size aerial 
orthoimages and by ETH Zurich in the Swissimage 
orthoimages, respectively. The tests were performed on a DELL 
PC with Pentium 4, !.8GHz CPU and 1GB RAM running 
Windows XP. 
4.1 Thun Site 
Completeness and correctness is sufficient for all images in the 
Thun site, with slightly inferior results for the 50-cm and 60-cm 
pixel size orthoimages. Although the pixel size of the ADS40 
image is slightly more than the 20 cm of the aerial film 
orthoimage, the results achieved are almost identical. Typical 
results of road reconstruction and junction generation are 
presented in Figs. 2-5, where the VEC25 and the extracted 
roads are shown as white and black lines. In each figure, (a), 
(c). (d) are the orthoimages with pixel size 20 cm, 50 cm and 60 
cm respectively, while the 30-cm pixel size ADS40 orthoimage 
is shown in (b). 
Fig. 2 is a scene with a four-road junction. Road surface and 
road sides are clear except at the left side of the figures, where a 
tree occludes the road. The scenes in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 are 
slightly complex compared with that in Fig. 2. More shadows 
and occlusions are observed. In the settlement areas, some road 
sides are not defined. In Fig. 5, a first-class road is connected 
with two third-class roads at two junctions. The roadmarks on 
the first-class road are visible in all images, but are weak in the 
lower resolution images. The examples show that roads are 
generally correctly extracted from all images. Road junctions 
are also well formed. This observation is confirmed by the 
external evaluation of the extraction results using the reference 
data (see Table 2). To account for the discrepancy between the 
ADS40 and aerial film orthoimages, the buffer distance was set 
to 2 m, when assessing the results from the ADS40 orthoimage. 
Figure 2. Examples of road extraction and junction generation 
in scenes with well defined roads. 

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