Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Limitation in the method of aerial measurement: 
In the construction of spatial data at the level of 1 / 500, it has 
become clear that there are many areas where the photographic 
mapping cannot be applied, the role of supplemental site survey 
becomes high as a result, and it is difficult to construct the data 
because the processes of aerial measurement and site 
measurement are repeated in a complicated manner. 
Limitation of GPS survey: 
The methods such as RTK and VRS of GSP are expected to 
provide prompt measurement of many unknown points and 
improve the efficiency, but the measurement is made mainly by 
TS because the applicable scope of GSP is very small in the 
urban area due to the influence of surrounding structures. It is 
therefore difficult to take advantage of the superiority of GPS in 
the urban area. 
Necessity of side survey: 
In constructing the spatial data, it is necessary to investigate the 
attributes that the ground structures have, and therefore, it is 
necessary to implement the site investigation all over the 
subject area. If any omission is found to the investigation, it is 
inevitable to make re-investigation, and if the number of data 
confirmation increases, the cost will be come higher as a matter 
of course. 
1.3 Development policy and expected effect 
In order to solve the issues stated in the above, we aim to 
construct the spatial data generation system by adding mobile 
mapping technology to aerial photograph survey technique and 
ground survey technique. There is a tendency as its background 
that free conception is required to reduce the cost, improve the 
quality and enhance the added value. Namely, it is required to 
select the method according to the degree of quality required for 
each ground structure instead of seeking for high precision 
uniformly regardless of the objects. This is based on the notion 
to place importance on the quality as the cost performance will 
not be preferable if the method is limited. 
The effects expected to the mobile mapping technology are as 
(1) Role as the supplemental data to aerial photograph 
This technology has the role of supplemental data to aerial 
photograph by measuring from the ground the objects 
concealed by forest or high bridge in the aerial photograph. 
(2) Improvement of efficiency of ground survey 
GPS has problem in use at urban area if it is used alone, but it is 
possible to acquire continuous position information by 
integrating it with IMU of automatic navigation system. And 
therefore, it is possible to improve the efficiency of ground 
work which is one of the issues of TS survey. 
(3) Reduction of site complementary survey 
The reproducibility of the site can be easily maintained by 
recording the situation of site in detail, and the cost of 
investigation will be reduced as the re-investigation of site is 
As stated in the above, it is possible to widely reduce the 
production processes and production cost of spatial data by 
developing the mobile mapping technology. 
2.1 Structure of spatial data 
The spatial data to be acquired is defined by the data 
specifications conforming to the international standard (ISO / 
RC211) and has the basic structure as shown in Figure 2-1. 
Ground structure on or 
inside the road surface or 
road structure. 
ifity Ex.: Road sign, lighting 
facility, side ditch 
Road surface 
Road si 
Tree pit Ave wit of the toad surface 
j (continuous plane). 
Ex. Drive way, sidewalk, 
Ground structure installed to 
support the road structures and 
maintain the function. 
Figure 2-1: Basic structure of spatial data 
2.2 Information about the acquisition of spatial data 
Acquisition information of spatial data is the following attribute 
Spatial attribute: 
Indicating the coordinates and shape of ground structure 
Thematic attribute: i 
Indicating the type of ground structure 
Temporal attribute: 
Date of construction, etc. 
Besides the above, there are definitions about the relation 
among the ground structures. Since the lighting equipment, 
signal and sign are added on the pole shown in Figure 2-2, there 
is a relation between these ground structure and the pole, and 
therefore, it is necessary to acquire the information about such 
\ Csignal 
Figure 2-2: Example of relationship among the ground 
structures (pole) 
2.3 Measuring accuracy of spatial data 
The measuring accuracy of spatial data is as follows (Figure 2- 
(1) 25 em or less (accuracy at the level of 1 / 500) in case of the 
border line of ground structure (edge of road or sidewalk, edge 
de structure Consisting 
n A 
Ex.: Road bridge, tunnel " 
of road sh 
the area 
(2) 70 em 
the faciliti 
The accur 
Land, Inf 
The condi 
of mobile 
3.1 Conc 
(1) Study 
The study 
(2) Speed 
In the gen 
on the ca 
crossing « 
made whi 
shooting « 
the shuttei 
3.2 Requ 
(1) Scope 
The spatia 
shown in 
must be m 
the head 
Signal pe 
Road inf 
Each ty 
Road su 
(2) Maint 
As stated 
1) 25 cm | 
as the edg 
2) 70 em « 
as telepho

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