Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
means that the spatial arrangement of the classes varies up to 
MA yy and remains constant for larger MA values. However, 
the intensity at which classes vary differs between the three 
LCM classes. The class mainly logged forest (mLF) is less 
sensitive for MA than the class mainly heavily logged forest 
(mHLF), which on his turn is less sensitive than the class 
mainly shrub (mSH). 
3.4 Variability and arrangement of forest cover pattern 
Figure 8 shows the LCM classification results as measured by 
the two landscape-related metrics SIDI (Simpson’s diversity 
index) and LSI (landscape shape index). Simpson's index 
literally means the probability that any two pixels selected at 
random would be different LCM classes. For the p1990 image, 
SIDI remains constant up to MA, meaning that the relative 
proportions of the LCM classes do not change. For the more 
fragmented pl996 image, however, SIDI shows a distinct 
decrease. between. MA,, and MA 4, This means that the 
dominance of one or a few LCM classes increases. Both images 
show a distinct decrease in SIDI between MA, and MA 50. 
Simpson's Diversity Index — p1990 
& p1996 
0,79 - 
e eJ us 3 
0,77 ? 6 2 Án. 
0,75 ee 
a NE E. 
5 0,73 
0,69 ee rate FE a 
0,67 T T T T T T T T T T T T T 
5 e? NS P S S S > S S SH S S e 
Minimum Area (Ha) 
Landscape Shape Index — pis 
» Ss $ 
$9 4 9 
se 95 
PP aS 
aD S 
Minimum Area (Ha) 
Figure 8: LCM classification results as measured by the two 
landscape pattern metrics SIDI (Simpson's diversity index) and 
LSI (landscape shape index) for forest cover pattern. 
The metric LSI measures the perimeter-to-area ratio for the 
entire landscape. An increase in LSI means that patches 
become increasingly disaggregated, thus the spatial 
heterogeneity of the landscape increases. Overall, LSI is higher 
for the p1996 image than for the p1990 image. Thus, p1996 has 
a more heterogeneous landscape than p1990. For both images, 
LSI decreases when MA increases. Specifically, LSI shows a 
significant decrease between MA ; ; and MA ,o for both images: 
in this range LSI shows a 50% decrease. In addition, spatial 
heterogeneity of the p1990 image and the more fragmented 
p1996 image shows a similar trend for the entire MA range. 
The setting for the minimum-area (MA) in LCM classification 
has an impact on classification outcome. especially from MA; « 
to MA 5. However, for MA values up to 150 ha the total area 
of forest cover (mLF + mHLF) remained constant for both the 
pl990 image and the more fragmented pl996 image. This 
finding is very useful for assessing the area of forest cover in a 
certain area. Forest area is an easily understood baseline figure 
that provides the first indication of the relative importance of 
forests in a country or region (FAO, 2001). In addition, the 
results show that according to Van Beurden and Douven 
(1999), decision-makers (at different decision-levels) can make 
sensible consistent decisions on forest area, because several 
levels of aggregation provide the same forest area. However, in 
the more fragmented p1996 image, PLAND (percentage of 
landscape) of the LCM class mainly shrub (mSH) did not 
remain constant for MA values up to 150 ha. Realizing that 
HLF and SH share very similar spectral signatures. it depends 
very much on the accuracy of the input level (elementary 
objects) whether the total area of forest cover is independent of 
MA. MA has an effect on NP (number of patches), meaning 
that it has an effect on the spatial arrangement of forest cover. 
Consequently, from a decision-making point of view it is 
important that maps are produced with identical MA values, 
when comparing temporally different images. In addition, the 
indices NP and KHAT seem to be a useful combination to 
indicate which classes are causing significant differences 
between classification results. 
Simpson's diversity index (SIDI) remained constant for the 
pl990 image. However, for the pl1996 image it showed a 
distinct decrease between MA », and MA. This difference in 
SIDI between the two images can be explained by combining 
the results of PLAND and SIDI. PLAND of all seven LCM 
classes did not change along the entire MA range (i.e., MA up 
to 400 ha) for the p1990 image. However, for the p1996 image. 
PLAND did change for the LCM class mainly shrub, especially 
at the range between MA, and MA, for which SIDI changed. 
A constant PLAND and a constant SIDI mean that the LCM 
classes in the image have their own specific composition in the 
landscape. Nevertheless, for certain classes like mainly shrub 
for which PLAND changed, SIDI quantifies this compositional 
change. In this respect, SIDI is a useful index to quantify 
changes in LCM classifications in addition to standard PLAND 
values. The indices KHAT and LSI. showing a similar trend, 
are complementary to each other. From a decision-point of 
view, such a combination seems to be useful to indicate which 
classification results differ significantly. 
From the classification results it can be concluded that the 
LCM classification concept provided explanatory information 
on vegetation changes in tropical rainforest areas. Based on the 
findings of the LCM parameter spatial size, three conclusions 
can be made towards decision-making: 
I. Decision-makers at different decision-levels can 
make sensible consistent decisions on forest area, 
because several levels of aggregation provided the 
same total forest area. 

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