Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information éciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
with Lo: Length of the respective segment. The probabil- 
ity p(@ < aj) can now be calculated using the Gaussian 
probability density function for a: 
pla <a) = Flog) = J f(a)da 
The Hint Hg allows three interpretations as shown in Tab. 
3. In contrast to Hp this Hint also supports —G. As the ob- 
jects are assigned to the respective ATKIS segment without 
considering the geometric relation it is reasonable to sup- 
port —G here. 
a [oor P 
wa {G} pla = dr ' Qcov * Pcon 
Wao [^G] (1-p(a << ap)) ' Qcov * Peon 
wags | Oc 1 — p(wa1) — p(waa) 
Table 3: Hint HC: 
4.3.3 Combining Hints for one ATKIS Segment The 
Hints defined in the last two sections refer to the relation 
between an ATKIS segment and a segment of the extracted 
objects. Applying Dempster's Rule all Hints referring to 
one ATKIS segment can be combined. The Hints HR and 
HE are thereby computed, representing the overall coinci- 
dence of the ATKIS-Segment to the model with respect to 
both relations. The frame of discernment © = Op x Og 
containing hypotheses whether the ATKIS segment fits to 
the model (H^) or not (H?), 
In this section preliminary results of the introduced ap- 
proach are given. In order to investigate whether the qua- 
lity of ATKIS objects is reflected by means of Extracted 
Road Objects and Linear Local Context Objects some ex- 
periments were carried out. Two sets of ATKIS road data 
have been prepared: set A) just contains objects with a cor- 
rect geometry. For set B) the correct objects have been 
rotated in order to obtain incorrect geometries. Each sets 
contains 1851 ATKIS segments. 
The Extracted Road Objects are obtained by the approach 
presented in (Gerke et al., 2004). The parameters are trim- 
med for a very strict road extraction, because the influence 
from artifically inserted road segments (due to automatic 
gap bridging) should be very low. Those gaps are often 
caused by vegetation and the intention of the following ex- 
periments is to test if explicitely inserted context objects 
give adequate evidence. As the road extraction algorithm 
is not able to reliably extract roads in built-up areas the ex- 
amples are restricted to open landscape areas. The rows 
of trees representing a class of Linear Local Context Ob- 
jects are captured manually and the parameters for the rows 
of trees are uniformly set to wo — 1m, A,o -— 0.2m, 
Appo — 2m, Apao — 3m, ayo = 0.6m, peon = 1. 
The diagrams in Fig. 3 and 5 show the results in the form of 
absolute histograms, keeping in account all assessed seg- 
ments. The five histograms per diagram show from left 
to right: 1) the support for the ATKIS segments regarding 
the topologic relation, 2) and 3) the support and the plau- 
sibility for the ATKIS segments regarding the geometric 
= f | + 
/F y | 777% 
sp E RU EE S.C 
ATKIS: Apa = 3m, Awa = 3m, just extracted road objects. 
316 ATKIS segments assessed. 
ATKIS: Apa = 3m, Awa = 3m, extracted road objects and 
rows of trees. 475 ATKIS segments assessed. 
ATKIS: A, 4 = Om, Awa = Om, extracted road objects and 
rows of trees. 446 ATKIS segments assessed. 
Figure 3: Results for Correct ATKIS Data 

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