Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
ATKIS: Apa = 3m, Awa = 3m, just extracted road objects. 
100 ATKIS segments assessed. 
ATKIS: Apa = 3m, Awa = 3m, extracted road objects and 
rows of trees. 364 ATKIS segments assessed. 
Figure 5: Results for Incorrect ATKIS Data 
relations between any ATKIS segment and the assigned 
objects are assessed. The given evidence is collected and 
combined using Hint-Theory which is an approach to the 
Dempster-Shafer Theory of evidence. By this means any 
ATKIS segment obtains a certain portion of support and 
plausibility expressing its compliance to the model. 
First results show that the quality of ATKIS road vector 
data is reflected by means of this approach. In further 
work it will be investigated how a final verification de- 
cision (whether an ATKIS object will be accepted or re- 
jected) can be derived from the support and plausibility 
measures for the segments. It was shown with the exam- 
ples that for an acceptance both values must exceed a cer- 
tain threshold, the definition of this threshold is a matter of 
further research. 
Moreover it has to be investigated whether a substitution of 
the simple equipartitioned statistical model for the analysis 
of topologic relations by a more individual density function 
does improve the analysis. 
Another potential improvement concerns the global net- 
work aspect: the road network is designed to connect im- 
portant places by an optimal path and every road object 
gives a certain contribution to this network. In the pre- 
sented evidential framework this contribution can be judged 
and considered for the assessment. 
Concerning the update of the road network, i.e. the de- 
tection of roads not currently contained in the database, it 
is to investigate to what extent the given approach can be 
used. For example, it will be possible to formulate hy- 
potheses for new roads based on the accepted network and 
additional information from other sources or from road ex- 
traction algorithms. Such hypotheses may then be judged 
in a similar way the given road network is assessed. 
Last but not least the evaluation of object extraction algo- 
rithms is very important. In this paper a formal frame- 
work for the assessment of road vector data is given, but 
the overall result still depends on the quality of input infor- 
This work funded by the German Federal Agency for Car- 
tography and Geodesy (BKG). 
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