Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
and 0.6968 for two image classifications, which are all greater 
than 0.6 indicating the mapping results meet the mapping 
accuracy requirement. 
4.2 LUC change map and quantification 
The spatial pattern of LUC change was mapped as figure 3a. 
The LUC change for each type is quantified also as figure 3b. A 
great area of change occurs in Guanyingshan NR and in lower 
valley areas in Foping and Changqing NRs, which are mostly 
forest type conversion. The proportions of “rock and bare-land” 
as well as “fi 
farmland and settlement" are small, however, their 
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M. A 
[7] Area with no Change | ; 4 CR | 
= Changed Area of m | arr 
Forest Vegetation — \ 
ren Changed Area of \ ) 
FAS and WAR ( { 
B] Changed Area of RAB NS bn 
20 Kilometers 
change rates are high. The change of rock and bare-land 
happens in Guanyingshan NR and also at the northern 
boundaries of Foping and Changqing NRs. Statistical analysis 
shows that changing areas of “conifer forest”, “mixed conifer 
and broadleaf forest” and “deciduous broadleaf forest" are 
about 31, 41 and 52 km”; while other changing areas are less 
than 10 km”. In conclusion, the LUCs with larger areas can be 
afford to the certain change and maintain the stable ecosystem, 
while the small-proportion LUCs are easily disturbed when 
changing happens which cause the ecosystem unstable. 
60 , 20095 
| b 150% 
40 | 
heb i 
E ! 
w 01 0% 
G | : 
© | SHGR ) 
Rr -50% 
EE Value of Changed Arca -150% 
—*— Ratio of Changed Area 
-60 : -200% 
Figure 3. Change detection of LUC types in three nature reserves (Changqing, Foping, Guanyinshan) in the southern slope of the 
Qinling Mountains from 1988 to 1997. a. map of change detection. The yellow line is the boundary of the nature reserves, and the 
black one is the boundary of the buffer zone. b. figure of statistics analysis. CF--conifer forest; CFDBF--mixed conifer and broadleaf 
forest; DBF--deciduous broadleaf forest; SHGR--shrub-grass land; BAM--bamboo; FAS--farmland and settlement; RAB--rock and 
bare-land; WAR--water. 
Eu] 0.25-03 Va : n uL] 
| 109.3-0.35 { AA Niue. 
7.0.35 -0.4 x ; = 
10.4 -0.45 ha 
0.45 - 0.5 Won 
! Clouds s 
10 0 10 20 Kilomoters 
€ ect 
20 Kilometers 
Figure 4. Map of NDVI in three nature reserves (Changqing, Foping, Guanyinshan ) in the southern slope regions of the Qinling 
Mountains. The red line is the boundary of the nature reserves, and the black one is the boundary of the buffer zone. a. September 
15,1988; b. September 8,1997 

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