Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
location. With the Computation Network Analyst, networks 
can be easily kept up-to-date and hence saves a lot of time! 
Figure 12: Computation Network Analyst 
You see what you do 
With Leica MobileMatriX you can always directly check the 
results of your fieldwork. Either it's the graphical representation 
of your measurements, survey point or the survey features with 
their attributes. 
With the labeling functionality you can display various things, 
such as the area of the surveyed feature or the values of the 
COGO measurements. 
The innovative software architecture of ArcGIS is based on the 
Component Object Model (COM) standard and is delivered as a 
completely open solution for developers. Leica MobileMatriX has 
been engineered to these standards and is therefore fully 
customizable by end-users and developers. Any COM compliant 
programming language can be used to extend Leica MobileMatriX 
without limit. Users and developers can further extend the data 
model to create custom measurements and computations. 
Leica MobileMatriX provides a technology that meets what 
surveyors expect from both GIS and field software. The system 
offers the capabilities expected from any good surveying 
software with the addition of quality information to enhance the 
decision making process. 
Few governments or private companies have enough resources 
to measure a whole country or city by using GPS or TPS within 
a justifiable time. On the other hand, surveyors are measuring 
small parts of our world every day. Why not combine this data 
within one system? If the data could be combined, surveyors 
and GIS users could conduct their daily activities in harmony. 
By actively using GIS databases, surveyors can continually 
update the GIS database to reflect the most recent situation. 
Leica MobileMatriX provides this technology. Furthermore, 
MobileMatriX always provides same functionalities either 
working with COGO, GPS or TPS sensors: 
*  On-the-fly (O-T-F) feature creation 
» Pending feature editing 
* Multiple feature editing 
= Attribute editing 
=  Stakeout functionality (TPS and GPS) 
= Sensor configuration (TPS and GPS) 
Why Leica MobileMatriX? 
Leica Geosystems has years of experience in the surveying 
market and as a worldwide successful surveying company can 
provide their customers a solution for extending the customers 
relevant office systems into the field including GIS and CAD. 
With any COM language, MobileMatriX can be customized to 
meet the specific need of the client both in architecture and 
functionality. Leica Geosystems developed a field software that 
allows companies to improve their efficiency out in the field. 
This saves time and money by improving the quality of data 
directly in the field, improving customer service and workflow 
and by increasing the field crew's productivity and efficiency. 
Leica MobileMatriX addresses all the needs for a professional 
field workflow: Controlling sensors, Editing, Collecting, 
Visualization and Mapping tasks. 
Leica MobileMatriX provides: 
® Familiarity leads to efficiency — use similar user interface 
on sensor and in MobileMatriX 
" Pending features (O-T-F feature creation) 
® Multiple Feature Editing (O-T-F feature creation) 
® Powerful GPS and TPS configuration functionality 
® You see what you do — Quality (including displaying of 
error ellipses) and Completeness control 
= What you see is what you get 
® Raster and Vector data in the background of 
= Seamless Dataflow from field into office and vice versa 
® Computation Network Analyst 
® Survey Data Management — keep your history 
® Advanced Layout functionality - Easy way to generate 
® Interfaces to a big variety of different office solutions 
(GIS and CAD) 
® GIS functionality — add attributes to the surveyed feature 
® Replacement of the classic field-book 
® Robotic solution — 1 man work for TPS provided. 
" Attribute collection and editing directly in the field 
® Rotation of the map — supports easy field orientation 
" Linking feature — updating sketches by simply measuring 
their vertices with TPS/GPS 
® SQL Queries to maintain and navigate through huge data 
® State-of-the-art UI compared to other field systems 
® Extensible with any COM language and extensible 
® High-quality cartography 
® Internet-enabled 
"  On-the-fly coordinate and datum projection 
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