Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
stereo - stereo - laser - 
[m] laser image image 
correlation correlation 
Plot 22 
Tops coniferous SD 0.79 3.83 4.17 
n-9 Mean 0.36 5.07 4.71 
Crown decid. SD 0.89 2.34 1.86 
n=19 Mean 0.53 0.36 -0.16 
Plot 50 
Tops coniferous SD 1.57 1.18 1.79 
n=9 Mean 2.33 2.01 -0.33 
Crown conif. SD 5.79 7.78 7.64 
n=16 Mean 3.56 -2.82 -6.38 
Regeneration SD 0.88 1:33 0.86 
n=8 Mean 1.83 0.53 -1.30 
Ground surface SD 4.44 7.07 5.94 
n=19 Mean -1.35 -7.67 -6.33 
Plot 60 
Tops deciduous SD 0.55 0.43 0.41 
nzl7 Mean 0.64 0.17 -0.47 
Crown decid. SD 0.76 0.35 0.63 
n=ll Mean -0.18 -0.10 0.08 
Crown edges SD 0.52 0.42 0.48 
n=15 Mean -0.26 -0.25 0.01 
Table 4: Height differences between the DSM's derived from 
laser scanner (laser) and image correlation. and 
stereo measurements. 
laserscanner data since these measurements are at average 
1.35m beneath the stereo measurements. Standard deviations 
are 0.88m for the regeneration and 1.57m for the tree tops. For 
the ground surface and edges of the crowns the standard 
deviation reaches quite high values between 4.44 and 5.79m. 
The comparison between the stereo measurements and the DSM 
from the DMC data shows that the stereo measurements are 
above the data derived by image correlation for the tree tops and 
the regeneration. The mean values and the standard deviations 
are comparable to the laser measurements. However, there are 
huge differences of —2.82 and —7.67m in mean value for the 
ground surface and for the crowns. Also, the standard deviation 
reaches very large values with more than 7.0m for these classes. 
The reasons for this are shown in Figure 5. The DSM derived 
from the DMC data does not adequately represent the surface 
structure of the forest. Especially, the valleys between the trees 
are only poorly rendered. In addition, the tree tops are 
underestimated. However, this effect is not as significant as in 
the old growth stand. 
Note that the smallest differences between the data types and 
the lowest standard deviations can be found in the deciduous 
stand. Comparing the stereo measurements and the laser data 
the mean value for the tree tops is 0.64m, for the crowns -0.18m 
and for the edges of the crowns -0.26m. The standard deviations 
are between 0.52 and 0.76m for the crown edges and crown 
measurements. The differences between stereo measurements 
and the DSM derived form DMC data are even smaller. The 
mean value ranges between -0.25 and 0.17cm for crown edges 
and tree tops. All standard deviations are less than 0.42m. This 
data also shows that tree tops are underestimated and valleys 
between the trees are overestimated by the algorithm. 
1265.0 e 
plot 50 + fs 4 
1260.0 | / 
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1230,6 | - - ——— - ein - : 
0,00 20,00 40,00 60,00 80,00 100,00 120.00 140,0( 
distance [m] 
plot 22 / 
eight above sea ievel [m] 
| ~~ Laser —d— DMC 
902,0 | 
0,00 20,09 40,00 60,00 80,00 100,00 120,00 140,00 
distance [m] 
Figure 5: Comparison of the laser scanner DSM and the DSM 
derived from DMC images at typical vertical 
profiles through the plots 50 and 22. 
4.3  Delineation of individual trees 
The results for the automated tree detection depend on the 
resolution of the grid and on the data source. For the 
laserscanner data it was possible to calculate a DSM with 0.5 
and 1.0m resolution. This led to an increase in detection rate of 
16 to 20%. Also the delineation of the crown shape was much 
more accurate with a resolution of 0.5m. Comparing the results 
for the spatial resolution of 1.0m achieved by the laserscanner 
DSM and by the photogrammetric DSM the detection rate for 
the laserscanner DSM was better than for the photogrammetric 
DSM for plot 22 and plot 60 while the percentage of detected 
trees were similar for plot 50. The reason for these results is the 
relatively large distance between the trees in this plot. Their 
crowns are separate, the canopy is not closed, so that tree 
detection is easy even with a Im DSM which does not render 
detected trees [%] 
plot DSM data upper middle total 
resolution — source layer layer 
22 0.5 Laser 65.2 17.6 29.6 
1.0 Laser 59.1 6.7 25.0 
1.0 DMC 36.4 S7 14.9 
50 0.5 Laser 86.0 66.7 84.8 
1.0 Laser 65.1 33.3 63.3 
1.0 DMC 67.4 0.0 63.3 
60 0.5 Laser 54.8 0.0 37.8 
1.0 Laser 38.7 0.0 26.7 
1.0 DMC 21.9 0.0 15.6 
Table 5: Results of the single tree delineation. 
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