Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
central perspective 
Central Perspective Model Orthogonal Projection Model 
Figure 1: Conceptual diagram of orthogonal projection 
q 111 0129 4433 X — Xo 
y =A ann am 43 Yo (1) 
eC Q31 032 33 7-4. 
where À is a scale factor, c is a principal distance, a;; is 
components of rotation matrix and ( X o. Yo. Zo) is perspec- 
tive center. 
The value of A changes in proportion to distance to object 
points. By substituting A by constant scale parameter m, 
Equation (1) is described as : 
Ta zT 
Ya = AT (2) 
—m/Ac —C 
Gyr G12 013 X X 
= mM | Gs 429 0023 Y-Y, 
431  Q32 433 7 Zo 
By transposing (X0. Yo, Zo) to left site, equation (2) is de- 
scribed as following. 
Samo ay; 012 | 013 X. 
Va 7 Yo —-mií| 4931 022 23 y 
—m/ Ac — zo 31 432  Q33 Z 
Yo tir {21013 Xo 
yo. ]z-ml.an. am ax Yo 
Zo (0314 032 — (133 Zo 
The orthogonal projection with contraction is expressed by 
the first and second equations of (3). 
Tyg = mia; X + a12Y Eis d13Z] + Io (4) 
Yo míagiX - a23Y +aZ}+ Yo 
The number of independent parameters is six. They consist 
0f z,, y,, m and three rotation angles. 
Mathematically m is an arbitrary constant, which is in- 
volved with image coordinates r,,y,. From a practical 
standpoint, 1n is adjusted so as to scale down the average 
photographing distance to be same length as principal dis- 
tance c (Figure 2). 
Figure 2: Constant scale parameter m 
Let H be the average photographing distance to Z direction 
(H = Z — Ze), M is described as following. 
G33C G33C 
m= — = (5) 
Z — Lo H 
Equation (1) is reversely transformed as following. 
X — Xo 411 021 3| T 
É 1 
y a = |. Gisa 6» 0 y (6) 
Ze 0434, d23 4033 =e 
Taking notice of the third equation of (6), A is expressed 
0133: 7231] — 033€ 
À = 033471 d33 = Case (7) 
Z — Zs 
By substituting (5) and (7) into (2), the equations of trans- 
formation from central perspective image coordinates to 
orthogonal projection ones are derived. 
DZ — Lo A33C 
Has = d 
: IT (33€ — 0132. — 02313 (8) 
0 Q33C y T 
Ya ‘ 
te HU "age aT ay 
Both of equations (4) and (8) are derived by the central 
perspective model without approximation. In this sense, 
the model consisting of (4) and (8) is as rigorous as the 
central perspective model. 
2.3 Generalization of Orthogonal Projection Model 
By simply generalizing equations (4), collinearity equa- 
tions of affine projection model are derived. 
dao = Ar X + AY =k AaZ + A4 (9) 
Ya 7 As X + AgY == Ar Z e As 
Addition of constraints for orthogonal projection to (9) leads 
to the generalized orthogonal projection model. Because

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