Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
two linear array scanner scenes. For a 1D image in the left scene 
with O as its perspective centre, point p can correspond to many 
epipolar planes (unlike the case of frame images - compare 
Figures 1 and 4). In this case, there are as many epipolar planes 
as the perspective centres in the right scene. Therefore, the 
epipolar line cannot be defined as the intersection of planes. 
Instead, the second definition used in frame images is adopted, 
where the epipolar line is defined as the locus of all possible 
conjugate points of p on the other scene based on the orientation 
Figure 4. Epipolar line in linear array scanner scenes 
In order to determine the epipolar line, EOP of the scan lines 
together with the IOP of the scanner must be available. The 
epipolar line can be determined in a similar way as discussed in 
Section 2.1.2 by repeating the procedure for each scan line since 
each scan line has different EOP. The change in EOP from one 
scan line to the next is one of the factors that determine the 
shape of the epipolar line. 
The motivation of investigating the constant-velocity-constant- 
attitude model is that many space scenes are acquired in very 
short time (e.g., about one second for IKONOS scene). In 
addition, similar assumptions were made for EOP when 
deriving the SDLT model for linear array scanners (Wang, 
1999), The scanner, therefore, can be assumed to travel with 
constant velocity and constant attitude during the scene capture, 
Equations 3. 
Ë E. Va , "1 
as = X 0 = AX J- X = Xt AX i 
7 — 7 7. ; r . 
Y eYQt^AY Y nl .tóolu 
PA n. Jg 5 : (3) 
Ze Z5ALI zemazudt 
= 2 ' ' 
Q,-—(0 w= 
(215 5 1 
(2, =0 | 9-9 
J is the scan line number on the left scene; 
: is the scan line number on the right scene; 
(Xo, Yo, Zp) is the position of the first exposure station in the 
left scene; 
(AX, AY, AZ) is the constant velocity vector of the scanner 
while capturing the left scene; 
(X, Ys, Z'y) is the position of the first exposure station in the 
right scene; 
(AX, AY', AZ’) is the constant velocity vector of the scanner 
while capturing the right scene; 
(©, @, K) are the rotation angles of the left scanner; and 
(9. ov. x) are the rotation angles of the right scanner. 
For a point (/, y;) on the left scene, the collinearity equations can 
be written as: 
A = À À + À, 
Vis A Z +A, 
where A, to A, are functions of the IOP and EOP of the left 
scene. Equation 4 represents two planes parallel to Y and X 
axes, respectively. Their intersection is a straight-line (a light 
ray in space). On the other hand, for the right scene, the 
collinearity equations are: 
al p 7 FA 
Xx xa XX S 
T (5 
Yio [=A R iow] Y -Y's 
T€ ZZ 
Using EOP from Equations 3, and substituting for X and Y from 
Equation 4, Equations 5 can be written as: 
VE, + WE, = iE, + E, (6) 
where F, to E4 are functions of the IOP and EOP of the scanner. 
Detailed derivation of the above equation can be found in 
(Morgan, 2004). 
Equation 6 represents the locus of potential conjugate points in 
the right scene (i.e., the equation of the epipolar line in the right 
scene). It is important to note that y; is unknown (at image 
number 7). The epipolar curve is a straight line if E50, hence y ; 
is a linear function of i. Therefore, the term FE, has to be 
analyzed. Setting £5 to 0, the condition for having the epipolar 
curve as a straight line can be expressed as triple product of 
three vectors vy, v; and vs, Figure 4, as: 
(v, 8 v,)ov, 20 (7) 
Equation 7 indicates that these three vectors, shown in Figure 4, 
must be coplanar in order to have the epipolar curve as a 
straight line. In reality, it is hard to find the above condition 
valid and equals to absolute zero. In order to quantify the 
straightness of the epipolar curve, the value of Æ, has to be 
compared to the value of Æ,. The smaller the ratio of (E;/Ej), the 
epipolar curve will become closer to being straight. 
E, (rn ®v)or, (8) 
E, T (v, ® B)ov, 
where B is the airbase vector, connecting the perspective point 
of the point under consideration in the left scene and the 
perspective centre of the first image in the right scene. Recall 
that epipolar lines in frame images are straight lines in both the

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