Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Input of image data and approximate EO of 
images and creation of image pyramid 
Extraction of feature points at top-level of 
image pyramid 
Image matching of feature points at top-level 
and point tracking by LSM 
Bundle adjustment at intermediate-level and 
creation of DTM at this level 
Extraction of feature points and matching of 
points at intermediate-level 
Point tracking by LSM and removal of 
shadow points 
Final bundle adjustment with extracted tie 
/pass points 
Figure 1. Automatic Generation of Tie/Pass Points in Z/I 
Imaging’s ISAT 
Automatic generation of image tie/pass points consists of three 
major steps: (a) feature extraction and matching at top-level of 
the image pyramid, (b) bundle adjustment at intermediate-level 
of the pyramid for obtaining better EO parameters of images 
and generation of a rough DTM, and (c) feature extraction and 
matching at intermediate-level with computed EO and DTM, 
and point tracking by LSM. The purpose of performing feature 
point matching at the top-level is to get better EO parameters of 
images and create a DTM for better image matching at the 
intermediate-level. The use of DTM created from the matched 
points can increase matching speed and improve the reliability 
of image matching at low levels of the pyramid, especially for 
mountainous areas. In ISAT, feature points are extracted by 
using the Forstner operator (Forstner and Giilch, 1987), a well- 
known interest operator in photogrammetry. It extracts points 
by examining the gradients of image intensity values around the 
points. By using the Forstner operator, most distinct points in 
the image, such as corners, can be extracted. Some shadow 
points may also be extracted at the same time. Some shadow 
points may survive from image matching and may reduce the 
reliability of final bundle adjustment, especially when strips in 
the block are very long. In order to improve the reliability of 
derived EO parameters of images, a process for removal of 
shadow points has been added in image point tracking in ISAT. 
Shadow points have some distinct properties in the image, 
which differentiate them from other features. The most 
distinctive properties are: (a) the image gradient around the 
shadow edge is usually large and (b) there is an abrupt change 
in elevation in the surrounding area since shadow is cast by 
high objects such as trees or buildings. A method for detecting 
shadow points in images has been developed based on these 
3.1 Generation of Candidates of Shadow Points 
The shadow points are detected in two steps and the first is the 
selection of candidates of shadow points. Since shadow usually 
has larger intensity value than its neighbouring objects, points 
on the edge of shadow have large intensity gradients. The 
gradients in four different directions are computed as shown in 
Figure 2 and the maximum is chosen as the gradient of the 
Figure 2. Intensity gradients in x, y and two diagonal directions 
G = max { G; }, 1 = 1, 2, 3, 4. (1) 
i in the above formula represents direction the intensity gradient 
is computed and includes x , y and two diagonal directions. 
Once the intensity gradient of a feature point is calculated, it is 
compared with the given threshold and the point is selected as a 
candidate of shadow points if it is larger than the threshold. 
3.2 Detection of Shadow Points 
Shadow is cast by high objects such as trees or buildings. There 
is an abrupt change in elevation around trees or buildings that 
cast the shadow. Thus, shadow points can be detected by 
detecting the change of terrain slope in a local area around the 
selected candidate points. 
3.2.1 Generation of Local Digital Surface Model (DSM): 
Before the generation of a local DSM, an area around the point 
should be defined on the overlapping images. The area should 
be big enough to cover the object casting the shadow. Once the 
area is defined, all image points in the area are matched by 
image matching. Since the feature points in the area may not be 
dense enough, an area-based image matching is used. The 
elevation of the matched points is then computed by forward 
intersection with the EO parameters of the images from first 
bundle adjustment. 
3.2.2 Fitting A Surface to Local DSM: After a local DSM is 
created around a feature point, a surface is fitted to the created 
DSM. It is assumed that the terrain surface in a small area is a 
smooth surface in most cases and there is an abrupt change in 
elevation in the area where breaklines, trees, buildings, etc. 
occur, as shown in Figure 3. In this study, a first-order surface 
is fitted to the local DSM by using the least-squares method. 
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Figure 4. Automatic 
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