Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

'anbul 2004 
Fa ha 
= 0. The 
lue À; is a 
blem is ad- 
inar homo- 
ast squares 
h =vec(H) 
is observa- 
L^ (3) 
e observa- 
1e solution 
«plained in 
of the pla- 
e potential 
been taken 
ingent ad- 
ch angle a 
rizontal or 
mal vector 
jhy (6) de- 
| distance c 
imate zero 
y weak. In 
s has to be 
cing these 
the adjust- 
cts can be 
image are 
be situated 
ses (initial 
the param- 
e observa- 
ail, 1976). 
| and (11). 
" H)! five 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
parameters have been introduced although just the fraction 
H/Z is determinable. Depending on the actual calibration 
phase (initial or update) either H or Z have to be fixed 
by prior information. Because of the assumption of i. i. d. 
observation groups the normal equation system for the ad- 
justment model (14) can be built-up sequentially. 
To make sure, that the necessary prior information has a 
constant contribution to the solution, the relative weighting 
between the observations and the prior information can be 
controlled by a regularization factor A. An ad-hoc solution 
is À = tr(N)/tr(P,,) (Press et al., 1992) with the traces 
of the normal equation matrix N and the prior weights P,,, 
for the observed’ parameters. Again, a conditioning of 
the problem is advisable by a translation and scaling of the 
image quantities and the principal distance respectively. 
Kalman Filter. The sequential build-up of the normal 
equation system offers the possibility of introducing a dis- 
crete Kalman filter (Welch and Bishop, 2002) for the cali- 
bration update phase. This is equivalent to a recursive pa- 
rameter estimation process. To prevent a numerical over- 
flow and the solution to bite, a memory length term k can 
be introduced, which controls the amount of memory used 
for the actual solution. With k = 0.9 for instance, 90 9o of 
the past observations will be used at the present time. Af- 
ter every evaluation step the normal equation matrix, the 
right-hand-side vector, the sum of squared residuals and 
the number of conditions have to be updated. The latter 
becomes real-valued which is as yet practically irrelevant. 
The parameter k may not affect the unknown object heights 
H, as this parameter can vary from scene to scene. 
4.1 Observations and Reference Calibration 
Observations. For the evaluation of the approach an im- 
age of a lecture room was recorded, showing a seating ar- 
rangement of chairs of indentical heights (cf. fig. 3). The 
camera used has an image format of 960 x 1280 picture el- 
ements. The image measurement of the foot points of the 
chair legs and the top points of the chair backs was done 
by an operator. 
Reference Calibration. For the evaluation of the ap- 
proach a reference calibration has been carried out for the 
intrinsic camera parameters as well as for the exterior ori- 
After the recording of the image a calibration field has im- 
mediately been captured on location. The intrinsic param- 
eters are then taken from a bundle adjustment. Table 1 
summarizes the results of the parameter estimation for the 
intrinsic parameters. 
For the determination of the exterior camera orientation the 
image points representing the corners of the tables have 
been measured. Together with the world coordinates of 
the corresponding points 0.74 m above the ground plane 
Figure 3: shows the observed corresponding foot and head 
points as well as the estimated horizon line, its point of 
gravity and its hyperbolic error band (3o intervals). 
and the interior orientation given in table 1 a spatial resec- 
tion has been accomplished assuming a standard deviation 
of 0.02 m for the object coordinates and 2 pel for the im- 
ages coordinates. From the estimated matrix for the rota- 
tion from the object to the camera coordinate system the 
roll and pitch angle result from (1) and(2). The estimated 
accuracies result from error propagation and are listed in 
table 2. The estimated height of the camera above ground 
has been verified with the help of a measuring tape. 
parameter | estimation | estim. std. dev. 
principal dist. ¢ 1328.86 pel 2.577 pel 
scale factor mn 0.9962 3.37740 ! 
principal pt. Axg -1.35 pel 1.458 pel 
principal pt. Ay -4.90 pel 1.389 pel 
Table 1: summarizes the results from the intrinsic camera 
calibration with a test field. 
parameter estimation | estim. std. dev. 
pitch angle a 31.2324 deg 0.4479 deg 
roll angle ^ 0.4847 deg 0.5341 deg 
camera position .X 3.0611 m 0.0961 m 
camera position Y -2.2095 m 0.0397 m 
camera height Z 2.5583 m 0.0830 m 
Table 2: summarizes the results of the exterior reference 
4.2 Calibration Results 
A height of H = 0.77 m have been determined for the 
chairs in the scene. The results of the direct solution (12) 
and of the constrained advancement with (13) are summa- 
rized in table 3. 
For the following calibrations prior information has to be 
used in order to introduce metric information. For the 

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