Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

anbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin 
the extracted lines. Then, a plane representing the build- 
ing's facade is found. All 3D segments are projected into 
that plane. This way, distortion of facade structures can be 
4.1 Principle 
Constrained Search is a technique for matching models to 
data devised by (Grimson et al., 1990). The principle is to 
build an interpretation tree that associates model features 
with data features (see figure 3). In order to avoid search 
explosion by testing every possible pairing of model fea- 
tures and data features, constraints are used to prune the 
interpretation tree. The goal is to use these constraints 
to rule out inconsistent matches at an early stage of the 
search. Every subnode of a pruned node will not be visited 
during the search process. therefore complexity of the tree 
Is reduced. 
d, i 
d; m, m, m, m, *m m; my m * 
Figure 3: Part of interpretation tree. 
Constraints can be unary or binary. Unary constraints de- 
fine consistency of pairings between one model and one 
data feature, whereas binary constraints define consistency 
between pairings of two model features and two data fea- 
tures. Definitions for the constraints used in our system 
will be given later. 
Overall consistency of the match is verified by finding a 
transformation that transforms the model features into data 
feature space (pose estimation) and calculating the devia- 
tion. If the deviation is below a set threshold, the match is 
considered consistent and therefore accepted. 
The depth of the tree is defined by the number of data fea- 
tures, whereas the number of children of each node corre- 
sponds to the number of model features. Null associations 
are used to account for data features which are not associ- 
ated with a model feature. 
4.2 Application 
In our system, model segments are associated with data 
segments. We need to determine constraints which are 
meaningful in the context of this task. As stated in chapter 
g and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
3, the structures we are looking for have certain geomet- 
ric properties. These can be interpreted as constraints. In 
particular, we are going to make use of orthogonality and 
parallelism. These can be phrased in the form of an an- 
gle constraint and a distance constraint. Because we don't 
use absolute values for angles and distances in the range 
image, constraints are binary and check that relations be- 
tween model edges hold for relations between data edges. 
As the models described earlier contain the right angles 
and parallel lines that can be found when examining facade 
structures, these are exactly the conditions that hold true 
for the data edges which these models are matched to. 
So, the following binary geometric constraints are used for 
pruning the interpretation tree: 
I. Angle Constraint: This constraint compares the angle 
between two models segments to the angle between 
two data segments. A user-defined deviation is al- 
lowed. Formally it looks like this: 
be the angle between the edge normals of the data 
edges i and |, 
be the angle between the edge normals of the model 
edges p and q. Then 
angle_constraint(i, j, p,q) = true 
iff 6j; € 1 0 mue Oo + €4] (D 
. Distance Constraint: This constraint compares the 
distance between two model segments to the distance 
between two data segments. Obviously, this con- 
straint is not scale invariant. Maximum and minimum 
distance between the endpoints of one edge to the line 
through the other edge are calculated for both edges. 
di i. di 
be the smallest distance and the biggest distance be- 
tween data edges, whereas 
Dy: Din 
be the smallest and the biggest distance between 
model edges. À certain deviation is allowed. 
distance_constraint(i, j, p,q) = true 
iff druscnulci Dt Q0) 
The distance constraint is of particular importance because 
it provides the most effective pruning of our interpretation 
tree without discarding correct solutions. 
Unary constraints are not used because consistency checks 
can be made only by relative comparisons between model 
and data segments, not absolute comparisons. Constraints 
that consider length are not used because generally the

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