Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Developments in computer (software and hardware) 
technology, as being in all other sciences, have produced 
important structural changes in photogrammetry. Systems 
known as digital photogrammetry minimizes workload, high 
costs and time loss, are created by using high tech (hardware 
and software). These systems resulted in variation of their 
application fields and are important step into especially core 
databases for information systems and digital map production. 
The aim of this study is to measure the discontinuity surface 
roughness using digital photogrammetric method. For this, 
discontinuity surfaces are analysed as separate lands and the 
heights of hills and that fill the surface are measured digitally in 
3-D environment. In the case study, a sample of andesite having 
7,75 x 7,75 cm measures is used and these processes are carried 
out in three steps [Unal, 2000]. These are: 
e Taking stereo photos by a digital camera 
e Evaluation of digital photo pairs by computer software 
and determination of surfaces coordinates (Figure 1) 
e Obtaining three dimensional roughness map of the 
surface (Figure 2) according to the acquired surface 
coordinates by using graphics software 
Firstly, photo-taking conditions shoul be determined for 3 
dimensional modelling of surface roughness by following the 
: Zeilen: 
scope of this study. These are briefly listed below as [Seker ve 
Tavil, 1996: Unal vd.,2000]. This: 
e Using a camera that is suitable to the aim of this study, 
e Denoting and determination the object coordinates (at 
least at 4 points) on sample surfaces for the evaluation 
e Arranging photo pairs by taking photos from different 
points for three dimensional modelling, 
e Taking photos so as to take, to capture all the details of 
the surface. 
Pictures acquired by a half-metric camera (Polaroid PDC 2000 
/40) are  appraised numerically according to the 
photogrammetric principles by the help of digital 
photogrammetric system. As a result, 3 dimensional map of the 
discontinuity surface is produced. 
When arranging photo pairs in order to determine surface 
roughness, the care was taken for the range between camera and 
the object and also to the base interval regulations, because of 
the smallness of sample measures. Photo- taking were carried 
out in two different points. Distance between camera and 
specimen surface is 25 cm. In first and second camera positions 
sample is held constant and photo taking device is moved when 
finishing the photo taking. As the measures of sample decrease, 
photo device is held constant and sample was moved. 
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i Datei: sm 
i : 350.070, 2:0-021 [iKoord.- sys ey 
1D:2, x:0.004, y:0.070, z:0.029 , Objektpuni = 
1D:3, x:0.006, y:0.070, 2:0.025 ||ID:102, x4. 2 
1D:4, x:0.008, y:0.071, 2:0.020 TRIER = 
|1D:5, x:0.009, y:0.072, 2:0.016 
ID:6, x:0.012, y:0.072, z:0.016 
1D:7, x:0.014, y:0.072, z:0.015 
ID:8, x:0.015, y:0.072, 2:0.010 
10:9, x:0.017, y:0.073, 2:0.007 
8.436:3.036  Koordinatengystem: Réseau —— 
ff Baslat | [35 PICTRAN-D/E 
Zoom:46 e:tezun16.btf 
1D:10, x:0.019, y:0.073, 2:0.007 i 7 
re Pa >=! 2 
ID: 1 i lv ^ 1| Bild-ID: 103 
x: 0.002 ‚Einfügen | | hochz. | #5 
0.070 | Inkrement: x: 1.638 = 
z 0.025 Loschen| 14 = [1.060 = 
: 0. | 
| i = 
Objektpkte.-Datei öffnen... | Meßpunk =) 
Objektpkte.-Datei speichern... | | MeBpkte. l| 
Punkt übertragen | | = 
|. “Fehlende Objektpkte. berechnen | | = 
| = 
Figure 1. Description of the measurement of x ,y, Z coordinates of joint surface by using PICTRAN software 

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