Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 1: Left: geometry of a Zwickel: p; is the intersection point of the lines /; and l5 which are extended by a factor 
(extension are shown dashed) to ensure intersection. Right: For the rectification the lines l4 and l5 with the enclosed angle 
v are mapped to an orthogonal frame using the affine transform matrix A. The transform maps the intersection point p; 
to origin and the lines to the axes of the coordinate system. 
those segments are extended by a predefined factor to en- 
sure that lines, that are close enough, will intersect. All 
reported intersections are then handed over to the Zwickel 
formation procedure. For the line detection we use a hi- 
erarchical approach, that finds straight lines in a coarse- 
to-fine pyramid search. In every pyramid layer we extract 
Canny edges (Canny, 1986) with sub-pixel accuracy and fit 
straight line segments to sets of collinear edges. In order 
to compute intersections we extend the resulting line seg- 
ments to ensure a sufficient number of line intersections. 
The detection of Zwickels is affine invariant. The lines of 
the detected Zwickels are ordered clockwise to ensure the 
correct correspondence between the lines of two match- 
ing Zwickels. As already mentioned we extend the origi- 
nally extracted lines, therefore the intersection points may 
lie in a homogeneous region. This is one of the additional 
advantages over point-of-interest methods that rely on de- 
tection of location of high gradient curvature such as the 
Harris corner detector (Harris and Stephens, 1988). Fig- 
ure 2 shows two examples of extracted Zwickels with low 
gradient curvature at the intersection point. 
2.2 Zwickel rectification 
In order to compute an affine invariant representation of 
a Zwickel, we map the image data inside the sector that 
is bounded by the lines to an orthogonal frame (see Fig- 
ure 1). An affine transform is computed from one cor- 
responding point (the intersection point is mapped to the 
origin) and the two line directions. The image region in 
the sector is then rectified by applying the affine transform 
that maps the sector to an orthogonal frame with the in- 
tersection point as origin and the lines as axes of the co- 
ordinate system. Equation | shows the general form of 
an affine transform and its decomposition into a rotation, 
scaling and shear transform. The rectification eliminates 
the four of the six unknowns of the affine transform: the 
translation [t,,¢,] through shifting the intersection point 
to the origin and rotation q and skew s through mapping 
the lines as orthogonal axis. The remaining unknowns are 
the scale factors s, and s,. In order to determine the un- 
known scale we use a similar approach as in (Lowe, 1999, 
Mikolajezyk and Schmid, 2001). Both approaches use a 
scale space search to find the correct scale of the support 
Figure 2: Examples of extracted Zwickels where the inter- 
section point (denoted by the circle) of the two extended 
lines does not lie on a location of high gradient curvature 
i.e. no Harris corners would be detected at the intersection 
= al d2 f 
a pd [7 ) M ( t ) m (1) 
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0 os 0.4 —Sinp LOSE Ly 
Figure 3 shows two examples of the rectification step. 
2.3 Descriptor 
In order to achieve affine invariance we apply a scale in- 
variant descriptor. The descriptor is inspired by Lowes (Lowe, 
1999) SIFT-features. 
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