Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

classes. Each unknown pixel is assigned to the class 
with the highest probability at the pixel location. The 
decision rule is as follows: 
pOX oc )p(oé) 2 p(X|w;)p(w;) (1) 
where X :the spectral multivariate vector 
plo, ) : pdf of X, given that X is a member 
of class c 
p(æ, ): a priori probability of class c in the 
i: class number among the m number of classes 
in the image 
The resultant likelihoods (D) can be used as surrogates 
for probabilities. 
D - [In( p(.X WPD pz ^^? = In(p(a,.) -— In(z) 
£ (2) 
b. FE 
X x) > (A = 46) 
Figure 1 shows the pdfs of two spectral classes, with 
their overlap marked with diagonal lines. The 
decision rule for this method is that all pixels are 
assigned to the class with the higher pdf for that 
spectral value. For example, even if a pixel with the 
value of *a" belongs in reality to class B, it will be 
classified as class A (Figure 1). This is an inevitable 
result of overlapping class pdfs. 
A B 
a koX 
Figure 1. The decision rule of a pixel-based maximum 
likelihood classifier. 
Instead of pixels, groups of pixels that form image 
segments were used for image classification in this 
study. There are few studies that evaluate the use 
statistic of segmented regions for classification (Kettig 
and Landgrebe, 1976; Meyer et aL, 1996; Gougeon, 
1995a; Janssen and Molenaar, 1995). However, most 
studies employing aggregated information focus on 
first order statistics and only use second order statistics 
to a limited extent. In this section, new methods that 
exploit multivariate statistics to improve the image 
classification are suggested. 
Figure 2 represents a conceptual comparison between 
traditional classification and the methods developed in 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
this study. An example of the pixel-based approach 
(Figure 2, left) is the traditional supervised maximum 
likelihood classification. Within a patch, pixels from 
the outliers of the class distribution are likely to be 
misclassified. Window-based approaches use 
arbitrary groupings and return the value of the window 
to the central pixel (Figure 2, middle). In the case of 
the object-based classification (Figure 2, right), patches 
are not expected to consist of pixels with completely 
homogeneous spectral radiances, but rather certain 
levels of variability are expected. This approach, 
therefore, incorporates a more realistic representation 
of real phenomena. The variation in an object is used 
as one characteristic of the object in this method, 
whereas it is an obstacle with traditional pixel-based 
classification methods. To treat this variation within 
objects, multivariate normal distributions were assumed 
for every group of pixels in each patch, and 
multivariate  variance-covariance matrices were 
calculated. Two methods of exploiting this 
information were investigated: maximum likelihood 
based on the patch mean, and maximum likelihood with 
Gaussian pdf. 
Classification Methods 
Pixet-based Whdow-based Obpect-Derteed 
dod a d o AS / A TOM / 
: A f / ^^ Fe 7 Z5 A, 
/ rele / 
Training Saerpées 
Target area 
Figure 2. Comparison of object-based classification 
with traditional image classification approaches. 
3-1. Maximum likelihood classification using the 
patch mean 
Maximum likelihood classification with the patch mean 
uses a decision rule modified to use the mean vector of 
a group of pixels, instead of individual pixels. When 
the mean of the group is classified as belonging to a 
certain class, all the pixels in the group are assigned to 
that class. The decision rule is as follows: 
p(X |æ.)ple,) = p(X |æ; )p(o; ) (3) 
Where: — X : mean vector of a group 
p Xlo,) :probability associated with the 
mean of the group of pixels of class c, given 
that the mean vector Y is a member of class 

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